Chapter 21

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Katniss put her head and turned towards behind Rory's desk. "Huh?" Katniss asked confused, "You, okay?" Stiles asked her, she just nodded "Don't listen to them jerks they have no idea what they are talking about" Stiles said which made Rory and Jana interested why he wanted to cheer her up "Your new here how would you know what they say is true or not?" Katniss mumbled "I never judged a book by its cover" Stiles simply shrugged and smiled which made Katniss smile a bit "I'm-" "Stiles I know the principal and Ms. Marshall basically announced your name to the whole school" Katniss laughs "Right" Stiles said laughing embarrassed. Rory and Jana looked at each other thinking *again?!*. Class went on for another hour with the girls and Stiles just whispering about the work and a bit about hobbies. *Ring Ring* "All right, class we are continuing tomorrow and please do the homework. I don't have the patience" Ms. Marshall told the class as everyone got up to go to their lunch. "So, are we finally having a Friday night with Emily?" Rory asked hopeful "I guess I'll just need to tell mom and little duck" Katniss said shyly while opening her locker next to Rory and Jana's. "YAY!" Rory screamed, hugging Katniss tightly "Why do we need to go again?" Jana asked unimpressed "Because since I was able to convince Emily not to pay for Chilton but for college of choice, I have to go to dinner every Friday with her and I asked mom if I could not be alone, so we decided why not drag you two in it" Rory explained "Fine what is the dress code?" Jana asked boredly when she really was interested "A casual dressing" the two girls said at the same time smiling which made Jana laugh at them "Technically you have to wear something cute with like a nice skirt or just a dress" Rory explained "Emily is Richie rich so she has thing you probably wouldn't dream of because of Richard's business" Katniss said "Right okay fine I'm in" Jana said defeated which just made all three girls laugh then they all got the stuff the need for lunch "Okay let's go!" Jana said happily Rory got her stuff and closed both her's and Jana's lockers "You two go ahead I have to get these drinks mixed because I've been feeling drowsy a bit" Katniss said shaking her soda and a brown bag in each hand "Are you sure you could do it yourself? I can help" Rory said walking towards Katniss "No, no it's fine I got it I learned so much to know how to do it myself I'll just do it in the bathroom" Katniss said convincing when really, she wanted to try out a spell or two at school with so much life inside it, it might help make it work. Jana and Rory just nodded then waved leaving saying "We'll save you a spot" Katniss nodded and went to the girl's bathroom checking if anyone is in the stalls then saw no one so she locked the girl's bathroom door putting a simple lock spell on the door and then she put her things down on the floor. "Let's get started" Katniss mumbled She took things out of her bag: 5 different colored candles, 10 petals of Katniss flowers, a bag of salt, crows' blood in a jar, and red spray paint. Katniss counts everything three times to make sure she has everything when she sees it all in place, she grabs a can of red spray paint making a sigil in a circle then put the candles in each corner of the sigil. "Okay I have about *checks the time on her watch* an hour in a half to try this one shot" Katniss said softly She sits down and gets the rest of the ingredients in a small size like bowl "ad deos extra da mihi vires has iuvenculas animas vi vitam habere" (to the gods give me the strength to have these young souls life force) Katniss said while grabbing the page with the spell "redde in memoriam blade necesse est" (Restore the memories taken from me) green mist started coming out of her hands "ad deos extra da mihi vires has iuvenculas animas vi vitam habere et redde in memoriam quae ablata est a me" (to the gods give me the strength to have these young souls life force and restore the memories taken from me) Katniss started chanting slowly then a little faster that her eyes started turning green and a big mist of green picked her up while she was still chanting "ad deos extra da mihi vires has iuvenculas animas vi vitam habere et redde in memoriam quae ablata est a me"(to the gods give me the strength to have these young souls life force and restore the memories taken from me) Katniss screamed that a force field came out and she fell out of breath panting. Behind the bathroom door there was a bit of green mist barely going away that Stiles Stilinski saw, confused he saw Katniss came out of the bathroom almost dropping her drink in a rush. "Whoa you, okay?" "Yeah just- I'm fine"

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