Chapter Eleven: Back in Emerald City

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All we ever do in Oz is walk everywhere so do I still need to mention what we're doing now? Dorothy had the Princess in her bag she had brought with her but she wouldn't stop complaining. She complained about Dorothy bouncing while she walked. It's just how people walk. Toto gave her a kiss to try and make her feel better but I don't think it worked. We walked on until we arrived at a broken bridge. Marshal told us that we were now at the Munchkin river which leads to Emerald City but the yellow brick road ends here.

The Princess asked him what we should do but he was no help. Dorothy suggested building a boat. Well, if the river leads to the Emerald City, we might as well. The Princess asked what we were going to make the boat out of. There were trees around but we can't use those. I remember from last time that they talk and certainly weren't happy when we tried to take their apples. Hold on, this is the forest we found Tinman in! Did we skip the cornfield by accident? Probably.

Anyway, I think Dorothy forgot about our last encounter with the trees because she took a branch off of them and it yelled in pain. Dorothy explained what we wanted to do and they all became upset. But one of the trees recognized Dorothy as the one who took the apple from another tree. Uh oh. They started throwing acorns at us so we ran into the forest to get out of range. That's when we found a tree that was more willing to help than the others.

"Take me," We turned to the aging tree, "Take me. I would like to volunteer these old timbers as material for your boat."

"Oh, no. We could never hurt a talking tree. At least not on purpose," Dorothy said

"I'm 978 years old. And honestly, I don't have many rings left. I can stay here and rot, taking up someone else's sun, or I can come with you and be part of something important, something great."

"I don't know what to say. Except thank you."

"This is a very brave sacrifice you're making," I said smiling

He was just happy to help us. So, he took himself out of the ground and let us get to work. We collected any wood and branches that had fallen off the trees and whatever we were allowed to cut off of the old tree. Wiser drew a graph of what we needed to make this boat. Along the way, we encountered a mouse Queen who wanted to cross the river too. So, she let her mice guards help us build. Some beavers also saw what we were doing and came over to help. We needed it too because this boat was looking terrible. So, with our new help, we got this boat built properly.

And the other trees started to help out by giving us more materials. Our boat was finally built and we got it onto the water. Dorothy even gave it a name: Tugg. We all climbed aboard, except the people who helped us, and we went to Emerald City. I only wished it was in better condition. It was so abandoned. As if, everyone just left the city once everything went wrong. It's sad to see such a beautiful place in this state. We went into the city to find our friends. But there was no one here. Not even a fly.

We walked into what used to be the Wizards Chambers but it was completely trashed. But I think we found the machine that brought us here. We had a look around to see if we could find any clues as to what happened. Dorothy found where the Witches broomstick should be but the glass was smashed and the broomstick was gone. That explains why things were going wrong. I then found what seemed to be a journal. I looked to see if it gave an idea of who's it might be.

It wasn't hard to find out because, on the front page, it said it was Scarecrow's. I flipped through it to see if there was anything important to go read. He talked about inventions, maths problems, and just scientific things and, like everyone has been saying, me. He had so much to say. In fact, he wrote that he was only making the Rainbow Mover to bring me back to Oz because he missed me. We only knew each other for maybe two days in Oz so how could he miss me this much?

I was going to read more when Wiser mentioned the Rainbow Mover. We came over to see the abandoned machine. I decided to keep the book on me. Why? I'm not sure. I just thought I should hold onto it. A light came on saying there was a message for me and to press a button under it. I pressed it and the machine came to life. On the screen, Scarecrow was there like when we saw him inside the rainbow.

"(Y/N), we don't have much time. There's trouble in Oz, and only you and Dorothy can help us. An evil Jester is threatening the land. His power comes from a magic scepter he has at his castle. The scepter is..."

The message was cut off when we heard laughing behind us. It was a face that was formed with green smoke much like the Wizard had. This must be the Jester!

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the famous Dorothy Gale and (Y/N) (L/N)," The Jester said

"You stay away from them!" Marshal said pulling out his sword

"I'm not talking to you, puffball!"

The Princess tried to say something but the Jester cut her off.

"All right, Jester, what have you done with our friends?" I asked

"Your friends? What a coincidence. Why, I've got them right here. See?" He disappeared but replaced his face with a live image of Scarecrow on a spinning wheel and fire around him, "They have all the comforts of home. Central heating," Cut to Tinman in a water cage, "Running water," And now to Lion in a cage that slowly got smaller, "And the coziest accommodations imaginable."

"Save yourself, girls!" Lion told us

"You let them go!" I ordered

"I give the orders around here now. So if you know what's good for you both, you'll hop in your little rainbow mover and go back to Kansas where you belong!" The Jester said


"Either do as I say or die!"

He made more smoke appear. He disappeared and Flying Monkeys appeared behind it! They tried to take Dorothy but I pushed her out of the way so they could take me instead. Unlike last time where they just left me, they kept me and took me away from the group. Well, two of them did. I hope I bought them some time to get away. The monkeys that had me took me away somewhere. I hope they all make it out alright.

Love in Oz (Scarecrow x Reader (Wizard of Oz fanfiction))Where stories live. Discover now