Chapter Nineteen: Let me be your wings

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This whole commotion about me making a choice has been bothering me all week. I haven't been talking (Y/N), I haven't been working on the Flying Machine, I've become a mess. The only other person I've told is the other leaders to confirm they've said the same thing and Tinman and Lion. I'm waiting for letters back replying to the letters I sent everyone. I just want to be sure it's not just the Munchkin Mayor saying this. I soon got replies. I opened them all and read them all.

They all said relatively the same thing. No one has had any complaints about how I've been running things besides what happened during the whole Jester thing but they all understand what the situation was. No one blamed (Y/N), no one complained, and they were all satisfied. Even Glinda was satisfied with how I was doing. So it's just the Munchkin Mayor who has a thing against (Y/N) or just my love life that I don't have. With all this, I personally went to Munchkinland to confront the Mayor about the choices he forced me to make for no good reason.

He tried lying that all the other leaders were on his side until I read out some of the letters they had sent me. This confrontation lasted at least two hours until he finally gave in saying it was just him who said it and he just wanted to see what I'd do. This was such a waste of time. Now I have to explain to (Y/N) why I've been avoiding her for a week and try to make up for it! What can I do? I'd take her for a ride in the Flying Machine but I'm pushing my luck there. I'll find something.

I went back to Emerald City where I apologized to (Y/N) for avoiding her and explained what had happened. She deserves to know. She accepted my apology but I still don't think a simple apology is good enough. What am I talking about? Of course, it isn't! She deserves a better apology than that! I started looking around for things to do to properly apologize for avoiding her. I soon saw something that took my interest. The theater was playing a musical called 'Into The Woods' which is on tonight. Perfect! I'll take her to that!

But I do want to take her on a ride in the Flying Machine so I'll have to make sure that flies. Once I got tickets for the show, I went back to the palace to see if the Flying Machine flies. If it can't, that plan will have to be canceled. So, I opened up a larger window I had made for this and started the machine. Please fly. I pressed some buttons and flipped some switches before letting it do the rest. It sped out the window and started gliding. That's not what I want.

I soon got it to actually fly and I was in complete control. You can see everything from up here! This was the best idea ever! I flew for a while to get used to the controls before landing safely back in the Wizards Chambers. I had a little celebration before going to tell (Y/N) about the show tonight. We both got ready to go and left for the theater when it was time to go. We had a box seat since I'm the leader of Oz. We sat down and talked for a while until the show started. The prologue was very well done but it did seem rather chaotic.

We had a girl who wanted to go to a kings festival, a poor boy whose cow wouldn't make any milk, and a baker and his wife who wanted a child. There was a second girl who was just buying bread and treats from the baker. She would later be important to the story but we didn't know that at the time. As I've only seen this show once, it would be hard to describe what happened throughout the rest of the show but I will say what happened at the end.

The first girl went to the festival and letter married the prince, the boy became rich because he stole from giants in the sky, the baker and his wife had a child but the wife died when a female giant came down from the sky and the wife fell off a cliff. Either way, everyone had their happy ending. When the show ended, I told (Y/N) to follow me as I had my second surprise to show her. I took her to the Wizards Chambers and let her in. My Flying Machine was behind the curtain.

"So, is the surprise what you've been working on for the last year?" (Y/N) asked

"It is and I think you'll like it. Behold! Oz's first..." I pulled the curtain back, "Flying Machine!"

(Y/N) was shocked for a moment before giggling. Was the reveal a bit much?

"Scarecrow, we have this back in Kansas. We call it a plane," (Y/N) said smiling

"A... Plane? So, you've already seen one?" I asked disappointed

"In the air but I've never seen one up close like this."

Good. This wasn't a complete loss. 

"Have you ever flown in one?" I asked

"Never. Especially not in a make like this," (Y/N) said

"Then this can be your first flight!" I said smiling and climbing onto the wing


"I want to take you on a flight! You'll be the first person to fly in this!"

"But... I've never been in the air before! What if something goes wrong and we fall?"

"I will never let you fall. Please come with me. I will be your wings. If you don't like it, I won't force you to fly again. Just this once, I promise."

I held out my hand for her. She looked at it and then back at me. Hesitantly, she took my hand and I helped her up onto the wing and into the seat that will be behind me. I made sure she was secured in her seat before getting in the front. I made sure everything was set before taking off into the air. I looked behind me to see that (Y/N) had closed her eyes. I told her we were safe and that she could open her eyes now. I looked ahead to make sure I didn't fly into anything. I heard (Y/N) gasp when she looked for the first time. I knew she'd love it. I was flying safely as to not scare her. I'm not letting her fall, just as I promised.

'Let me be your wings. Let me be your only love. Let me take you far beyond the stars. Let me be your wings. Let me lift you high above. Everything we're dreaming of will soon be ours. Anything that you desire, anything at all. Every day I'll take you higher and I'll never let you fall!' I said smiling

'Let me be your wings. Leave behind the world you know for another world of wondrous things. We'll see the universe and dance on Saturn's rings. Fly with me and I will be your wings. Anything that you desire, anything at all.'

'Anything at all,' (Y/N) said smiling

'Every day I'll take you higher and I'll never let you fall!'
'You will be my wings.'

'Let me be your wings.'

'You will be my only love.'

'Get ready for another world of wondrous things.'

'Wondrous things are sure to happen.'

'We'll see the universe and dance on Saturn's rings,' we said together smiling

'Heaven isn't too far,' I said looking at her smiling

'Heaven is where you are,' (Y/N) said smiling

'Stay with me and let me be your/Let you be my wings,' we ended smiling

She really said that I'll be her only love! No, stop it, Scarecrow! She hasn't said anything about her feelings for me yet. I'm not going to jump to any conclusions just yet. I want her to say something before I make a mistake that might ruin things. I took her back to the palace after a while and bid her goodnight. I went to my room and had a little celebration moment. She loved the surprise! I can't wait to see what happens in the future. I might be getting somewhere with our relationship. Again, no jumping to conclusions. I said I'd wait so that's what I'll do. I'm a man of my word.

Love in Oz (Scarecrow x Reader (Wizard of Oz fanfiction))Where stories live. Discover now