Tuesday Hangout Part 3

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Third Person POV:

Bayley and Sasha were in the car on the way to the grocery store.

"So I heard they might be adding womens tag team titles to the main roster," Sasha mentioned.
"Oh my god really?" Bayley answered, "you know how exciting that would be?"
"I know, and to be the first ever womens tag team champions? A dream come true," Sasha told Bayley.

Bayley looked over at Sasha, who was smiling and looking at her. Bayley looked back at the road and smiled.

"What?" Sasha asked.
"Oh nothing, I'm just glad to be here with you, today's been fun'" Bayley responded.
"I'm glad to be here with you too," Sasha told her.

They pulled up into a parking spot at the grocery story. They got out of the car and walked into the store. Sasha grabbed a cart and they went to shop.

*15 minutes later*

Sasha and Bayley finished their shopping and went to the check out. The lines were long, but then Bayley saw the small line for the self checkouts so they went over there. Sasha pressed the button to start the machine and it started talking loudly. Sasha jumped and Bayley looked at her.

"You okay?" Bayley asked.
"Yeah, it just scared me," Sasha replied.

Bayley smiled at Sasha and Sasha returned with a smile. Sasha scanned the items and Bayley put them into bags for her. Sasha pressed the checkout button and tapped her card on the pin pad. Bayley put the bags into the cart and Sasha put her card back in her wallet. They walked back out to the car with the groceries and put them in the trunk. Bayley pushed the cart over to the cart carrell as she let Sasha get into the car. They then drove to the movie rental store.

*5 minutes later*

Bayley pulled up to the movie rental store and they walked it. Sasha opened the door and let Bayley go in first. They walked around the store until Sasha found a movie she liked.

"We should get this one!" Sasha suggested.
"Yeah? What's it called?" Bayley asked.
"It's called She's All That, I've watched it once, it's really good," Sasha told her.
"Alright, let's get it then," Bayley replied.

Sasha was happy that they'd get to watch one of her favourite movies. They went up to the register and rented the movie. Sasha told the man at the counter she would return it the next day before she left the city. He nodded and they walked out. They went back out to the car and got back in. Sasha places the movie in the bag that was in the back seat with all their prizes from earlier in the day. It was now 7:03pm and they were ready to go back to the hotel.

*10 minutes later*

Bayley parked at her spot at the hotel parking lot. Sasha grabbed the bag of prizes they won as Bayley went inside. She got one of the bell boys to help bring in the groceries. He grabbed the bags and put them on baggage carrier. Bayley closed the trunk and locked the cars after they got everything. They all went up to Sasha's room as she opened the door. The bell boy helped put the groceries on the counter as Sasha thanked him. He left as Sasha and Bayley started putting things into the fridge and on the counter. There were only 3 bags, but Bayley thought it would be nice to have somebody else help them out, since they had the bags of prizes.

After Bayley and Sasha finished putting the groceries away, they made some popcorn and got out soda.

"Will this be enough for us?" Sasha asked.
"I think so," Bayley replied.
Sasha took the movie and put it in the DVD player. She pressed pause since they weren't ready to watch it yet. She pulled out the part of the couch that turns it into a bed, since Bayley decided she would stay for the night after Sasha asked her to. She went to the bedroom to grab some blankets and pillows for them.

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