Smackdown Debut

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Bayley's POV:

Today was the day we would he debuting on Smackdown. I was excited to go, not for myself, but for Sasha. I knew that when everyone was staring at her on Raw two weeks ago, she would feel upset. I actually requested to get switched to Smackdown when Sasha went out. I knew that if things went bad, like they did, she wouldn't want to continue at Raw. But of course, Stephanie and I were keeping my request of the switch a secret. I know Sasha, she would ask me how I knew she would want to switch. I knew she would ask me why I would get us switched. I don't have an answer, only that I love her. I want the best for her, and switching brands was the best I could think of.

We were currently getting ready for our debut match. We were going up against Fire N' Desire, for the second time this year. I had no problem with it, but Sasha doesn't like Mandy Rose. Mandy tried to take our friend Naomi's husband a few months back. Sasha has had a hatred for her ever since. I turned and looked at Sasha, who was putting on her rings. She looked over at me and smiled.

"You ready?" I asked her.
"Of course, let's kick ass," she replied.

I kissed her before her theme song played.

Third Person POV:

Sasha walked out to her theme song. She danced before doing her pose. She lifted her glasses and placed them on her head while waiting for Bayley. Bayley's music played as she came out. She did her thing out to the crowd before they walked down to the ring. Sasha grabbed Bayley's hand before she began walking. They walked down the ramp and to the ring. Once they got inside, Bayley's theme stopped and the bell rung. It would be Sasha and Mandy starting things off. They locked up before Sasha began taking control.

*15 minutes later*

Bayley was trying to get to Sasha to tag her, but Sonya kept dragging her back. Bayley finally got close enough to tag Sasha, but Mandy came along and grabbed her. She grabbed Sasha and put her through the announce table with a power bomb. Sasha was laying there, lifeless, while Bayley was shocked inside the ring. Sonya went and tagged in Mandy. Mandy got into the ring and went to Bayley a clothesline, but she dodged it and punched Sonya off the apron. All the crowd heard was "you bitch," before watching Bayley give Mandy a Bayley to Belly. She immediately went for the pin, 1,2,3! Bayley's theme played as she quickly got out of the ring. She went over to Sasha to make sure she was okay. Sasha was still laying there, but finally opened her eyes to see Bayley. She smiled before trying to get up on her own.

"Let me help you love," Bayley told her.

She helped Sasha sit up while kneeling down, being at the same height as her.

"Are you okay? Do I need to get someone to help you?" Bayley asked.
"I'm okay, I'll just need some help up," she responded.

Sasha went through a brutal match before going through that table. Bayley helped her up before they walked backstage. Everyone who was in the gorilla congratulated them as they walked by. Bayley took Sasha to the doctors office to get checked out, since she went through that table hard.

"Bayley, I'm alright. I don't need t-" Sasha started to tell her.
"We're going in Sasha. We need to make sure you're okay and not injured again. I know what charlotte has done to your back in matches before," Bayley told her.
"Okay," Sasha replied as she smiled at Bayley.

After being in their for about 10 minutes, the medical assistant told Sasha she was okay to go but that she needed to take caution and monitor the pain within the next week. Sasha nodded as she got off of the bed. Bayley helped her, and then they walked to their locker room. Sasha grabbed her bag and went to the washroom to change.

Sasha's POV:

I went into the washroom to change back into my clothes. I turned around and looked at my back in the mirror. It was worse than I thought. My back was completely red now, and all I saw were cuts and scratches. I broke down at the sight of it. I leaned against the door as I began crying. I ended up sliding down the door, but that hurt even more. I just sat on the floor, covering my mouth while crying so Bayley wouldn't hear me.

Bayley's POV:

Sasha was still in the washroom after a few minutes. I decided to just change out in our locker room so we could leave once Sasha came out. I knew she would want to leave since she'd be in pain. I changed out of my gear and into my normal clothes. Sasha was still in the washroom, but I decided to wait a few more minutes. After her being in there for about 10 minutes in total, I decided to go check up on her.

Third Person POV:

Bayley went and knocked on the door. Sasha's eyes widened.

"Please don't come in," Sasha trembled.
"Sasha, please let me in," Bayley asked.
"Bayley I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute," she told her as she got up.

Bayley opened the door as soon as she could after she saw Sasha's shadow get up in between the door and the floor.

"Bayley I asked you n-," Sasha started to say.
"Sasha, look at your back," Bayley said, sounding scared.
"I know I just looked at it," Sasha replied.
"Hold on," Bayley told her running out of the washroom.

Sasha took her gear off and started to put her normal shirt on. Unfortunately, it wasn't a loose shirt and she let out a terrifying screech. Bayley rushed back into the room to see Sasha crying.

"Sasha, please let me help you," Bayley asked.
"I'm fine," Sasha responded.
"You're not fine. I just heard you yell out in pain. Let me help you," Bayley told her.

Sasha hugged Bayley in pain. Bayley hugged her as well, but tried her best not to hurt her back even more. Bayley took the shirt she got from her bag and gave it to Sasha. She helped her take off the shirt Sasha had originally put on and put the new shirt on her. This one was a loose tank top, so it wouldn't hurt Sasha's back. Bayley grabbed both of their suit cases and Sasha held Bayley's arm. They walked out of the arena together. Bayley put the baga into the trunk of their car while Sasha got into the passengers seat. Bayley closed the trunk and hopped up into the drivers seat.

"Thank you," Sasha whispered.
"Anything for you," Bayley responded, "I love you."
"I love you too," Sasha returned.

They kissed for a few moments before pulling away. Bayley started up the car and drove back to the hotel. Bayley just left the bags in the trunk once they got there. They walked up to their room as Bayley helped Sasha. They went into the bedroom and Bayley helped Sasha lay down. She left her be for a few minutes before joining her. They soon ended up falling asleep together.

This was not how Sasha thought her Smackdown debut would go.

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