Wrestlemania 38

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Sasha's POV:

A few months passed and it was now Wrestlemania weekend! Mia had learned how to say a few more words over the past few months and is walking on her own. Bayley can walk on her own now too without any issue, as she's still recovering from her ACL injury.

We were currently arriving at our hotel after the final Smackdown before Mania and the Hall Of Fame 2022. Bayley and I brought Mia with us, and she slept most of the time. As Bayley got our bags out of the trunk, I got Mia out of the backseat. She was asleep, but most likely would wake up when we went to check in.

Surprisingly, Mia didn't wake up at all when we got into the hotel. Bayley checked in and got our room keys and we headed to the elevators. We'd be staying on floor 3, room 312.

We left the elevator and Mia was still asleep. I followed Bayley down the hallway as we looked for our room. Once we found it, she unlocked the door and let me go in with Mia first. I put Mia's seat on the bed and waited for Bayley to put the bags down. She closed the door behind her and brought the bags to Mia and I.

"Thank you babe," I whispered before kissing her.
"You're welcome. Let's get her crib set up so we can go to bed. I'm exhausted," she stated.
"Me too. Taker took his time saying his speech," I giggled as she got the crib out.

Bayley and I set the portable crib up together as quiet as we could. Luckily Mia was still asleep. After it was set up, I grabbed Mia from her seat and placed her in the crib as Bayley got out her blanket. Bayley covered Mia with the blanket and said goodnight to her as I went to the washroom to change.

When I came back out, Bayley had already changed and was laying in bed on her phone. I went over and laid with her. I noticed she had already plugged my phone in for me and it was on the side table.

As I slid under the blanket, Bayley put her phone down and rolled over to face me. I looked over at her and she was smiling.

"What?" I asked while laughing at her.
"Nothing, I'm just looking at my beautiful wife," she whispered.

I smiled at her before cupping her cheek. She smiled back at me and gave me a kiss.

"I love you Bayls," I mumbled.
"I love you too," she repeated.

She moved a piece of my hair behind my ear before kissing me again.

"Are you ready for Mania tomorrow?" She asked quietly.
"I think so. I'm nervous, especially where I can't mess this one up. It's the first time they're giving me a Wrestlemania win. Finally after 8 years, I'm finally getting to win. And, I'm beating Alexa for the Smackdown Womens Championship!" i explained quietly.
"I know babe, it's amazing! Me and Mia will be in the front row watching you main event again," she told me.
"I wish you could be out there with me in the tag title match but main eventing is just as amazing. But as soon as you come back, we need to get those tag titles again. They wanted me to tag with Naomi, but I want to tag with you, so I'm willing to wait," I smiled at her.
"I love you, and I'll be back soon, you just wait," she winked at me.
"I love you too. Goodnight babe," I muttered as I pecked her lips.
"Goodnight," she smiled before turning off her lamp.

-The Next Morning-

Bayley's POV:

"Sash,"I whispered while shaking Sasha lightly.
"Why," she whined.
"It's Wrestlemania Saturday, your day to win your title!" I exclaimed.
"But do I have to get up now?" She asked.
"Fine, you can sleep until I'm out of the shower," I told her.
"Thank you," she whispered.

I gave Sasha a kiss before getting up and checking on Mia. Thankfully, she sleeps well during the night. In the past month, we've only had to get up in the night about 3 times.

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