I'm Ready

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Sasha's POV:

It early November. I had something I wanted to tell Bayley, but I wasn't sure how. It was after dinner, so we were laying down on the couch watching a movie. I turned my head and looked at her. She was smiling, and I smiled as well.

"What's up?" Bayley asked as she sat up.
I looked at her, blankly. I had no idea how to tell her.
"Sash?" She was worried that I didn't say anything.
I sat up beside her, trying to build the confidence to tell her.
"You can tell me," she whispered, holding me in her arms.
"I," I could feel myself start to shake.
"It's okay," she whispered, trying her best to comfort me.
"I think I," I paused, taking breath, "I think I'm ready to have kids."
I looked up at her, she was shocked. She didn't know what to say.
"It's okay if you're not, I completely understand," I told her.
I was about to get up to give her time but she held me tighter so I couldn't.
"Sash, of course I want to have kids with you. But," she paused, "how?"
"Well, I did do some research," I told her as I grabbed my computer, "I could get an insemination."
"Are you sure you want to have the kids? You've got a loy going for you right now," she explained.
"I always grew up wanting to have kids, no matter who I was with. And I still do want kids, especially with you. I know I'm a champion, but there is a possibility this won't work," I told her.
"Do we get to meet the sperm donor?" She asked.
"If we go through with it, yes," I replied.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked.
"I'm sure," I stated.
"Okay," she replied.
"I'm going to book an appointment tomorrow for probably later this month, if that's okay with you," I exclaimed.
"If you're really sure you wanna do this, then you can. I'll be here with you every step of the way," she stated.

I smiled before kissing her. I'm glad that this went well.

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