I'm Back

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Sasha's POV:

I knew it was early for me to return, Becky stayed home for about 6 months after her daughter was born. But, I felt okay with leaving Mia with Bayley for a few days. I was returning at Crown Jewel, so I was currently on a plane to Saudi Arabia.

"I'm here." I texted Bayley after my plane landed
"Me and Mia can't wait to see you again." She messaged.
"I miss you girls." I texted.
"We miss you too." She answered.

I put my phone in my pocket before heading off to the hotel.

Once I got there, I put my suitcase beside the bed and layed down. I had forgotten about all the stress with travelling. I couldn't stop worrying about Bayley and Mia. I should've stayed home, but it had been 3 months since Mia was born. And with Bayley being injured, we weren't going to be able to take care of Mia without one of us working.

I arrived in Saudi Arabia the night before the show and I was exhausted. But first, I wanted to check on Bayley and Mia.

"Hi baby," I heard Bayley as I saw her face pop up on the screen.
"Hi Bayley," I sighed as I layed back.
"Was it a long flight?" She asked.
"Yeah. Literally every single baby was crying," I explained.
She laughed, "I'm glad Mia isn't like that," she expressed.
"Me too," I agreed.
"So what's up?" She asked.
"Not much. I got here about a half hour ago and I'm exhausted," I explained.
"Then you should go to sleep," she told me.
"Well I wanted to talk to you first. How're you and Mia doing?" I asked.
She set her phone up on the living room table.
"She's falling asleep right now," she told me as she awed at her.
"Mia, look it's mommy," she said, tilting Mia up.
"Hi baby!" I yelled out when I saw her.
"She's smiling at you," Bayley stated as she placed Mia in the portable crib.
"So are you guys staying downstairs?" I asked.
"Yeah, I won't be able to bring her upstairs with the crutches and all," she told me.
"So where are you staying?" I asked.
Here on the couch," she picked up her phone and showed me the set up she had.
I sighed, "I miss you."
"I miss you too love," she returned.
I yawned, "I think I'm gonna head to sleep now," I told her.
"Okay, I love you Sash, goodnight," she replied.
"I love you too Bayley, goodnight," I whispered before hanging up.

I plugged my phone in before placing it on the side table. I stretched a bit before yawning again. Within a few minutes, I was asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night, now unable sleep. I tried my best to sleep several times, but I couldn't. I didn't want to bother Bayley. Not if she was asleep, or if Mia had just fallen asleep, or if she was trying to get Mia to go to sleep. I picked up my phone and decided I would face time her. It rang a few times, but then she answered.

"Hey Sash what's up? Is anything wrong?" She asked.
"I can't sleep. I don't know why but I just can't," I told her.
"You know, I actually can't either. I got Mia to go to sleep a few hours ago but I can't," she explained.
"I miss you girls," I stated.
"I miss you too Sash. Do you wanna see Mia?" She asked.
"Of course!" I answered.
She showed me Mia. She was sleeping peacefully in her crib.
"Awe, she's so cute," I whispered.
"Jist like her mommy," she smiled.
"I love you," I laughed.
"I love you too Sash," she whispered.
I watched her yawn quickly before turning her attention back to the call.
"Do you want me to let you go? You deserve your sleep," I asked.
"No, only if you want to," she answered.
I smiled at her, she was beautiful.
"I think I will. I'm gonna try to sleep again I have a big day later on. And you deserve your sleep too baby," I stated.
"Okay Sash. I love you," she responded.
"I love you too Bayls, goodnight," I replied.
"Goodnight love," she returned before hanging up.

I smiled to myself before putting my phone back on the side table. After talking to Bayley, I was able to fall asleep easier.

Bayley's POV:

*the next afternoon.*

"Ready to see mommy?" I asked Mia as she sat in my lap.
I heard her giggle before I heard Sasha's theme song.
I gasped, "look, there she is!" I told her as I pointed at the screen.

I did miss Sasha, especially where she was going to be gone for a few days. But I was excited for her to return to wrestling, I knew she missed it. Mia and I watched her match at Crown Jewel, where she unfortunately lost. Of course, she knew she wasn't going to be able to win a championship again right away unlike Becky. Sasha always had to prove that she was able to be champion and that she was the top star. It was actually annoying how they had never favorited her and screwed her over. I put Mia in her play area so that I could get up and get her some milk from the fridge.

When I came back into the room, I picked her up and placed her back in my lap. While I was feeding her, I got a call from Sasha. I sat the phone up on the table before answering.

"Hi Bayley," she said, she looked exhausted.
"Hey Sash, how are you?" I asked.
"I'm exhausted, I am not in shape for this."
I laughed as I sat Mia's bottle on the table.
"How's she doing?"
"Mia's been great. We're lucky we have such a behaved little girl."
"That's good."
I watched her pack her bags and head out of the arena.
"Hey baby I have to go. If I get to the airport early I'll call you again. I love you," she told me.
"I love you too Sash, I'll talk to you later," I replied.
"Bye love," I heard her say before she disappeared from the screen.

I looked down to see Mia looking up at me. I finished burping her before laying her into her crib. I watched the rest of the show before I got another call from Sasha.

"Hey Bayley," she spoke.
"Long tike no see," I joked.
I watched her laugh as she sat down in the airport.
"I have 15 minutes before my flight."
"Yeah? Well what's up?"
"Not much. The crowd was amazing though. I think I did surprise everyone when I came back."
"I'm sure you did, even I would've been shocked."
"Awe, really?"
She sighed, "I miss you Bayls."
"I miss you too Sash."
"What're you and Mia up to?"
"She's napping right now, we watched your match earlier.
"Awe, that would've been adorable to see."
"Yeah, it was pretty cute."
"She's an angle, isn't she?"
"She sure is."
"I can't wait to come home, but I still have to go to Kansas."
"I wish you could be here right now."
"I'll be home in a few days baby."
"I know, I just want you to be here with me."
"I wanna be there with you too."
I saw her smile, which had me smile back. She looked up before looking back at her phone.
"Love, I have to go get on the plane now," she explained.
"Awe, okay." I answered.
"I'll text you when I get there, I love you," she told me.
"Okay baby I'll see you later. Bye," I stated.
"Bye Bayley," she replied before hanging up.

I really wanted her to be coming home, but she had to go to smackdown first. I looked over at Mia to see that she was still asleep. I was glad that she was a well behaved kid, it made it easier to take care of her alone.

Sasha's POV:

I wad glad to be back at WWE, but I missed my family. The whole plane ride, I was thinking about them. It was going to be hard leaving and going to work all the time, but I was told if I couldn't handle it I could take a break. Or if it was too much doing smackdown and live events, I could do less live events, or none, and just do smackdown.

"I made it. I'm really tired so I think I will go to sleep when I get to the hotel." I texted Bayley after my plane landed.
"Okay Sash, goodnight." She messaged.
"Goodnight Bayls." I texted back.

I left the airport and headed off to the hotel. When I arrived, I checked in and went to my room. I placed my suitcase on the bed and got out some pajamas. I changed and put my other clothes into the bag before zipping it back up and putting it on the floor. I grabbed my charger and put it into the wall and plugged in my phone. I layed down on the bed and turned off the lamp. After laying there for a few minutes, I ended up falling asleep.

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