I Love You

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Bayley's POV:

Today was September 4th. Sasha and I knew we were going to be losing our tag titles, but she didn't know what I was just told. I had been told that I had to turn on Sasha and get her injured after the match. I was upset about it, especially since we're now married. I decided that I would tell her ahead of time about what I had to do, but I still wasn't sure what I would do after the match. I went back into the locker room to see Sasha upset.

"Where did you go?" She asked.
"Sash," I answered.

She could see that something was wrong. She got up and hugged me.

"What's wrong?" She asked as I began crying.
"So, we're losing our titles tonight," I informed her.
"Yeah, I know, I'm upset about it too but what else is wrong?" She answered.
I sniffled before answering her.
"I have to betray you after," I told her.
She was completely shocked.
"But," she paused, "why?" She asked.
"I don't know, but I have to injury you and everything," I replied.

She started crying and then sat down on the bench. I wrapped my arm around her while I sat beside her. She layed her head on my shoulder as she sniffled. I rubbed her shoulder, trying to comfort her. She looked up at me after a few minutes.

"You didn't request this, did you?" She whispered.
"Of course I didn't! Sasha, what makes you think I did?" I responded quickly.
"Nothing, I'm just trying to figure out why there doing this," she replied.
"Well I didn't want them to," I stated, getting up quickly.
I was about the leave the room but then she asked, "Bayls. What are you going to do to me?"
My heart sunk. I really didn't want to do this. Not to her. Not now. Not ever. I didn't have an answer for her right away, but the longer I waited the more curious she got.
"Sash, I don't know. But when it happens, please, just know I don't mean or want to do any of it to you. I love you," I told her, now kneeling in front of her.
"I love you too," she replied before kissing me.
"Come on," I said, putting my hand out as I stood up.

She grabbed my hand and I helped her up. We went to the washroom so I could help her wipe her tears and fix her makeup. Before we knew it, it was time for our match. I helped her off the counter and we went to get our titles. We went to the Gorilla and waited for the music, since it was our que. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged her from the side. I wrapped my arm around her and rubbed her arm. Then, Shayna and Nia went out and I knee we had to get ready to go out as well. I turned toward Sasha and kissed her.

"I love you," I whispered before my music played.

(Writer: So we all know what happened so I'm not going to explain the whole betrayal to y'all because I might just end up crying as some of you may he right now. But, I will give you what happened after the betrayal.)

Bayley's POV

I stood backstage as I watched them take Sasha to the ambulance on the stretcher. I couldn't believe what I had just done. I didn't even want to do it in the first place, and now, I feel terrible. I watched as the ambulance left and I immediately went back to our dressing room. I changed from my gear to my clothes and grabbed both of our suitcases. I rushed out to the car and put them into the trunk. I hopped up into the front seat and drove to the hospital.

"Sash!" I exclaimed as I entered her hospital room.
"Bayley!" She whispered, trying to be as loud as could without moving.
I set the suitcases down and closed the door a bit, but not fully. I rushed over to be beside her. I kissed her before sitting down in the chair beside her.

"Sasha I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do any of this or for it to end up this way," I told her as I held her hand. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I asked.
She smiled, "I'm okay, you're here. I know you didn't mean to do anything harmful, but it still ended up happening. I don't blame you for what happened. It's not your fault."
"But it is," I interrupted her, "I could've just not done it, not this extreme."
"Bayley!" She tried to yell out, "calm down. It's okay," she reassured me, putting her other hand on mine. "Everything will be okay. I still love you, and I always will, that's why I married you. We only have to be rivals for our job," she stated.
"I love you too Sash, but I just keep feeling like it's all my fault," I cried out.
"Come here," she said, moving over and motioning for me to lay beside her.
"Okay," I answered as I got up to lay beside her.
She wrapped her arm around me and layed on her head on my shoulder.
"You need to stop worrying about this. I know you didn't mean to do all of this, and it's not your fault. I'm not gonna push you away just because of this. I know it wasn't on purpose, even thought I still got seriously injured," she told me.
She sat up and looked at me, "I love you," she whispered before kissing me.
"I love you too," I whispered back after we broke apart.

I wrapped my arm around her as she layed back down. She yawned, so I told her she could sleep if she wanted to. Within a few minutes, she fell asleep. I turned the light beside me off and pulled the blankets on top of both of us. I layed with Sasha for a few minutes before I fell asleep.

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