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Chapter 1 

"Sorry, but I'm not a God" 

Screams, bangs, silences and sobs. This is the only thing that could be heard in the Uchiha house. At the sound of the door slamming, a certain black-haired girl jumped up. It was normal, her parents argued a lot, most often about the fact that her father devoted too little time to his family, but what should be surprising? After all, he is the shadow of the Hokage, the hero of the 4th Great Shinobi War, his duty is to protect the Land of Fire and the world, but the pink-haired woman knows it very well, and does not seem to care. The seven-year-old understood this, her father was important not only to the village or country, but to the whole world! It required something, whether he wanted it or not. Besides, the girl thought that her father did not like being in the company of her mother, but maybe she just imagined?

The black-eyed girl felt a salty liquid flowing into her onyx eyes, she wanted to cry, cry and beg, beg her parents to stop arguing, so that they could be a normal family. Suddenly she felt a presence, a familiar presence. The girl did not know who or what it was, but a figure wrapped in a white coating must be sitting opposite him.

Soul? Angel? Ghost?

Black-haired girl had no idea, but she knew that whatever it was, it was not going to hurt her. She knew this figurine, so to speak, he was with her as long as she can remember. Whenever she was lonely, sad, when her parents quarreled, when she just wanted someone to accompany her, listen to her, this ghost always appeared, he was with her. Tears flowed from the beautiful onyx eyes, and the white figure let the girl cry. When the black-haired girl calmed down, she decided to go for a walk, her mother did not care about it, which, for some reasons unknown to the girl, didn't like the ghost, as evidenced by the temporary change of the aura around it.

She wandered around the village and looked at happy children playing with their peers, at children who happily spent time with their parents, at their smiling faces, was she jealous? Maybe a little, but she wasn't alone! She had a spiritual friend of hers who showed her more attention and interest than her parents... So she wandered around talking to him, but no one else saw him.

But she is still a child, and as you know, children have 'made-up friends' with the difference that he was not made up. True, no one could see or hear him except the girl, but would a ghost allow a stranger to see him?

Especially when everyone in the village knows the owner of the soul very well?

During her stroll, the girl became so engrossed in conversation that she missed the boy standing next to his father and ran into the younger of them. Of course, her friend caught both of them, which is strange as no human should be able to touch the ghost, but maybe this one was special?

When they both stood steadily, the black-haired girl turned and bowed, apologizing to the boy. The boy she ran into had black hair in a ponytail on top of his head, reminiscent of pineapple, beautiful sea eyes, and was wearing a green shirt with a collar and three-quarter white sleeves with green stripes and a picture of a tree on the T-shirt. black knee-length shorts and sandals.

The boy couldn't take his eyes off the figure standing next to the girl

"Who is this?" asked intrigued, the girl on the news that the boy could see the figure smiled broadly, "He's my friend! Do you want to play with us?ę She asked full of enthusiasm and joy, the boy after a moment's reflection agreed, the figure seemed familiar to him, as if he had already felt it presence, while his father was so engrossed in the conversation that he did not even notice that the boy was leaving with his newly met friend.

Or maybe he noticed and decided to let him play?

The children walked together around the village and talked, and wandered to the park, where black-haired girl would run into a certain lonely blonde, but this time the ghost managed to stop her, turned and patted the little blonde on the head.

The boy with platinum blonde hair wandered with his blue eyes to the figure accompanying the children, just like his peers he could not take his eyes off him.

"This is your friend?" The boy said, still looking at the figure, "Yes, he's our friend!" the girl replied with a smile. "Say..." 

"Inojin" the blonde introduced himself. "Shikadai, and this is Sarada" said the black-haired boy pointing to himself and his friend in turn, "Have you ever had the impression that you feel some... presence?" asked the boy sniffing, his interlocutor's eyes opened a little, "Actually, yes," said the boy surprised by the question, all three of them were happy and surprised at the same time.

All three of them once in their short lives felt the presence of the same spirit, they were even curious if there were any other children who also knew their spiritual friend.

The children decided to play together and so wandered to a certain hill, where beautiful orange roses bloomed on the bushes, the place was surrounded by bushes, and under a tree in the very center there was a tombstone nearby with a wooden bench, children at the beginning got a little scared, but what was more of a surprise for them, the figure that accompanied them became clearer, took on a human appearance, to say that the children were surprised by this blasphemy.

In front of the three children stood a beautiful boy with blonde hair in the shade of ripe wheat, his eyes shining a blue, which both the sky and the most beautiful sea would be ashamed of, there were three mustaches on his cheeks, and blood-red strands could be seen in his blonde hair, but his hair looked like stained with blood, similar to his orange-black sweatshirt with a scarlet substance adorned it, though his orange pants seemed to avoid much contact with her.

The figure smiled warmly at the children, and as if they understood what this place was, they approached the tombstone carefully and read the inscription on it.

'Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze

The Sun of the Five Nations'

The children turned towards the blonde, they disbelieved it, the ghost, the figure that, as it turned out from the birth of each of them, was next to each of the kids, was none other than the hero of the 4th Shinobi World War. With joyful smiles that they finally saw and learned the identity of their guardian angel, they asked the man to play with them, the man with a happy smile, grinning his fangs, agreed to the offer.

At the same time, a pink-haired woman and her blonde friend were running around the village in search of their children, as they found out no one had seen them. So they ran to the administration building in front of which two men were standing, both of them turned to the women with a questioning expression on their faces.

"We can't find the children!" screamed worried pink hair, the eyes of both men widened, the black-haired man with a ponytail on top of his head quickly grabbed his phone and called his wife to make sure his son came home and tell her he was going to help his friends find them children

What was his surprise when he found out that his son hadn't come home yet.

All four searched the village again, unfortunately to no avail. The last place they thought of was a certain hill on which there was a certain lonely tombstone. They searched the hill along and across the hill, until the blonde decided to check the center itself, "I found them!" she screamed with relief as she saw the three children peacefully sleeping next to each other. As one man, the other three ran up and sighed with relief at the sight of their children.

'Thank God' was a thought that passed through the heads of all four, it did not escape the attention of a certain figure who was still watching over the children. Adults felt a breeze and heard a voice, a voice belonging to a person well known to them,

"I'm sorry, but I'm not God," suddenly they saw the figure, the person they and their friends longed for. Their ray of hope, their sun. Their dead friend,

"Naruto..." said the brown-eyed tearfully.

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