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"G-gaara he look like..."

It took him a couple of days, but he made it, he had crossed the boundaries and was now quite close to his destination, although he was exhausted and hot, and the glowing desert sun was not helping. 'I can't believe they really were traveling this way! And they weren't that tired' 'He thought, slowly straightening up, he couldn't take the train or other transport because Hinata could easily find him, and possibly bring him back to Konoha, which he didn't want. 'It's sooo hot' as he stood there staring at the sandy nothingness, he felt a sudden pain in the back of his head and fell.

At the same time, a certain brown-haired boy with red paint on his face was walking through the administration building in Sunagakure. "Shinki!" he stopped at the sound of a familiar voice, as it turned out to be none other than his uncle, the older brother of his father, the present Kazekage. Kankuro, a man in a black sweatshirt with a hood on his head and purple paintings on his face. "Uncle Kankuro?" he turned with a questioning expression on his face. " Did Gaara not come home yesterday?" he asked looking at the younger boy, who only looked away.

". . ." he was silent, for a moment he wondered if he should answer at all, since the answer seemed obvious and he didn't have to. "He didn't, did he?" the black-eyed slightly irritated asked, "No." he said lowering his head, the older one just sighed loudly, how stupid could his brother be? "If only Naruto was still alive, he would speak to his mnd." He spoke more to himself as to the younger one, however his nephew did not miss it. 'Naruto? Like the 4 Shinobi War Hero? '

"You were going to Gaara, right?" Shinki raised his head and looked at his uncle, "Mhmm" eloquently nodded at the question, more the statement of the elder. "Then let's go" and just like that, they both went to the Kazekage office even though one of them was very annoyed.

In his office, the red-haired Kazekage was almost falling asleep at his desk, because of the last influx of work he couldn't eat properly, not to mention sleep, when he heard the knocking sound he immediately sat down in his chair, "Come in."

He was surprised when his son and his older brother entered his office, who by the way, looked annoyed, and the mint-eyed knew perfectly well what was the reason. "Gaara, you need to go home." said the oldest in the room, yes, he was angry. The redhead did not answer him, which only increased the pressure of the black-eyed man, so he decided to use a cruel, but effective method. "What do you think... Naruto would say if he saw you now? Do you think he would be happy?" It was cruel, Kankuro knew perfectly well how much his younger brother was hurt to hear about the blonde's death, but he had no other choice, it was the only thing that always worked.

"No... he would be mad." the younger brother said softly, surprising his son, who had never seen his father like this or reacted like that. 'It looks like that Naruto is very important to father,' he continued silently, gazing at the man. "Exactly, so go home and rest." he said, still cold to his brother. And as if on cue, an ANBU member showed up in the office. "Kazekage-sama, we found a boy near the border with the Land of Fire. He looks like shinobi. " he said, receiving attention from everyone in the room.

"Bring him in." and the ANBU disappeared, leaving the Kazekage, his son, and his brother alone again. 'A leaf shinobi? No, they would write a letter or something. Then who? 'Kankuro considered what the ANBU said until a boy's voice spread across the hallway. "Let me go you bastard!" and a blonde-haired boy burst into the office, and when he looked up and looked at the other three, Kankuro was walled up.

"G-gaara," the black-eyed man began to get his brother's attention, "he look like ..." he didn't finish, he didn't have to, the redhead did it for him, "Naruto..." both men looked at the blonde in disbelief, and Shinki was looking not understandably at the father. The blonde straightened up and tilted his head slightly upwards looking at both men with questioning eyes, it was a shock, no, to an understatement. At the same time, for both men, in the place of the blonde unknown to them, a perfect copy, a memory of their friend, their brother, a perfect copy of Naruto appeared.

{This is Monday's 14th chapter.}

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