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Chapter 3 

"Is there a problem with this, dattebayo?"

Several years have passed since that event. The adults didn't even remember that they saw the blonde figure then, all except one who made promises to the deceased before his death.

But the children remembered perfectly well. All three began attending the Academy. Already on the first day they saw that the blonde was standing under a tree next to a certain lonely swing, and since then the three of them spent every break there.

Day after day, they secretly walked up the hill, where the tomb of their guardian angel is located, always telling him what happened today, what they had experienced and just sometimes complaining.

Once upon a time, Sarada told about a certain boy from the Inuzuka clan. He had brown, disheveled hair, black eyes and the Inuzuka clan symbol on his cheeks in the form of two red triangles that looked like fangs. She also said that the given appearance is basically genjutsu, and in fact the boy looks different, but she failed to get a good look because as soon as he realized she looked through his genjutsu, he ran away.

The angel praised the black-haired girl that at such a young age she could see if something was true or just plain genjutsu.

On the other hand, he had some suspicions about the boy, which he had to make sure. And on the same day he went to the house of one of the clan members, a person who was his friend when the blonde was still alive. And so the suspicions of the deceased proved to be true.

But let's not talk about the past, it carries a lot of mistakes, who made people, a lot of pain and suffering, times that are better not to be mentioned. The Inuzuka-Hyuuga family went for a walk, they were just walking through the village. In the front of the two adults, a woman with beautiful dark blue hair that falls into purple, reaching her shoulders, and unique, slightly lavender eyes.

At the side of the lavender-eyed woman was her husband, he had brown, disheveled hair, black eyes with the symbol characteristic of the Inuzuka clan on his cheeks and goat dirt.

They were followed by two children who looked like a mixture of their parents. Like her mother, the girl had dark blue, purple hair that reached to her shoulders and was disheveled like the girl's father, black eyes inherited from her father and the symbol of the Inuzuka clan on her cheeks. Her twin brother, on the other hand, had brown hair which, unlike his father and sister, was not disheveled. His eyes were like his mother, although the Inuzuka clan symbol was still visible on his cheeks.

They were followed by the eldest son, similar to his father and younger brother, his hair was brown, but more disheveled and... wild? Then the rest of the family, his eyes were inherited from his father, they were also black in color, with the symbol of the Inuzuka clan on his cheeks, just like his siblings. He had one orange rose in his hair, which is quite strange as these flowers do not naturally come in this color.

As the rest of the family passed on, the eldest of the siblings stopped hearing the voices of the villagers. "I heard that Himawari will succeed the Inuzuka clan," a woman said. "The younger of the twins have byakugan," someone else said. "Only Boruto can do nothing" commented one of the men. "Poor kid, he doesn't even know who his Father is," the woman commented regretfully. "I don't want another brat like his Father here"

The boy just stood and listened to the villagers' further conversation. It became normal for him, when he was a child, he didn't understand why the residents claimed that he 'doesn't even know who his father is'. After all, he was the son of Kiba Inuzuka and Hinata Inuzuka-Hyuuga, right? Not wanting to listen to the villagers any longer, he went on to catch up with the rest of the family.

The whole family was in the meadow, they often came here when the youngest wanted to go outside, the place was far from the center of the village so no one came here. The twins happily chased each other with their dad, their mother just sat there and smiled under her breath. A bit further from the rest sat the eldest son, Boruto. He was still wondering about the behavior of the villagers. 'Why are they looking at me like that?' Was the basic question why all the townspeople looked at him as the garbage, the outcast he had become over time. Neither of the children played with him, and his own mother also tried to keep him away from his younger siblings.

He didn't understand it.

'Is it because I'm not Kiba's son?' It was true, the boy was not Kiba's son, he was Hinata's son. When he was younger he always wondered why the townspeople said they did not know who his father was, and with time he understood. He didn't know who his biological father was. He only knew that he was the son of Hinata Inuzuka-Hyuuga, he was sure of that. 'But mom said it's a strong genjutsu, so how do they know?'

Genjutsu was one of the prompts he got for a kid. As soon as he joined the academy, his mother's master taught him genjutsu. He didn't have a talent for this, but he managed to master it enough that only a well-trained Shinobi, or a member of the Hyuuga clan or Uchiha could see it. It was also the reason why he had to limit contact with one of his few 'friends'. Sarada Uchiha, this girl,looked through his genjutsu when he was still learning it.

He remembered that day to this day.

'I wonder, what person was my father and what happened to him?' Was the greatest mystery of who he was and what happened to him, he never got an answer to that question. At the same time, his siblings and his father ran behind his back and threw the boy into the stream that surrounded the whole place.

"It's good that you are all right." the first thing he heard when he woke up. His mother was kneeling in front of him, his 'father' was standing next to her, and right behind him his younger siblings, who looked at him in a strange way, as if they didn't know who he was. "Dad, why does Big Brother look like that?" After his sister asked their parents, the boy realized something. When he fell into the water, he had to disperse and break his genjutsu.

It really wasn't his job to play illusions.

"Mom?" the younger boy said, but neither of the parents replied, there was a deafening silence. "We should go home." the lavender-eyed finally spoke. And so the two adults with the twins moved towards their house, at the same time Boruto felt that someone was next to him, but when he looked around he didn't see anyone. Without hesitating for a long time, he joined the rest.

When they got home, the only thing he could hear was the screams of two adults. "Can't you really maintain ordinary genjutsu !?" The brown-haired's voice spread, the younger members of the family stood in the next room and watched everything in silence. Meanwhile, two adults stood over their eldest son, who was kneeling in front of them.

He no longer had brown hair, and his beautiful blonde, sun-like black eyes turned into a beautiful shade of blue, and the Inuzuka clan's distinctive symbol was replaced by mustache hangers, two on each side of his face. "You're just like your Father," said lavender-eyed. "The same appearance, the same character and the same skills" the boy lowered his head resignedly, his mother mentioned his biological father only at such moments, it hurt to be compared to someone you don't even know. "Really, you can't even keep a simple genjutsu."

"Sorry, dattebasa." the blonde said finally, only irritating his mother more, because of his habit, "You even talk the same way!" the woman finally exclaimed, she couldn't stand this boy, he was identical to his father, it always irritated her. Suddenly, a voice unfamiliar to children, but a voice well known to adults, long unheard of, spread across the room.

"Is there a problem with this, dattebayo?"

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