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Chapter 6 


They both stood over the sad tombstone, the black-haired one smiled sadly, and the tears flowed from the blonde's eyes. At last he found out his father's name. "It's... It's really his..?" he asked looking up at the man. "Well not exactly, it's just a commemoration. He was buried elsewhere. " he said, holding a sad smile, "But nobody except me, Choji and Hokage know, so you better not tell anyone." he said suddenly grimacing, yes it is true, this lonely tombstone was just a commemoration, the blonde's real body, lying elsewhere. "I won't." he repeated looking at the tombstone.

The boy was happy, please don't get him wrong. He knew from a child that his biological father was dead, Hinata told him directly when he finally irritated her enough by asking about his father. He was just happy that he could visit him, know his name, it was enough for him, even if he couldn't meet him in person...

Looking at the stone, his attention was caught by the rather unusual inscription, "Sun of the 5 Nations?" He read it aloud, of course there was a questioning tone. "Let's sit, okay?" the elder said, smiling friendly.

They sat down on the bench facing the tombstone, sat in silence until the blond man could not stand the curiosity consuming him from the inside and interrupted her, "So~ Why call him that?" he asked, attracting the brown-eyed man's attention, the latter just smiled and began, "Your Father was someone who never gave up, his presence made you feel warm and safe. When he smiled, everyone around him smiled as well." the blond man watched as the black-haired man plunged into the memories with a smile, he didn't hold it against him, absolutely no.

"He was stupid and no one knew what was in his head, he was unpredictable." the brown-eyed man fell silent and looked at the sky, this conversation was certainly ... nostalgic. "He changed the lives of many, gave hope." He already spoke with less enthusiasm, he did not smile as he did a moment ago, it did not escape the blonde, but he did not speak, he let the older one continue. "He could turn even the greatest enemy into his friend, it was almost impossible to see him cry, he showed no sadness, not in public." The boy began to understand why the smile disappeared from the elder's face. Yes, what he said was admirable, but it also meant that the man in question must have been tired, if not exhausted, mentally.

"He always made the impossible possible."

There was a momentary silence, it wasn't awkward. The blond waited patiently, not wanting to press. "He always smiled, despising the burden he carried." sadness and ... regret appeared on the older man's face? What could the deceased carry that the black-haired man made such a face? "What do you mean?" asked the younger one, not understanding what the interlocutor was saying. "He was the Jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tails Beast" said after a long moment, the brown-eyed, blond man, although he had little knowledge on the subject, realized who the jinchuuriki were, and even more so the nine-tailed beast, every inhabitant of Konoha knew about it, no depending on the generation.

"And that's why he could get pregnant." this information completely shocked the boy, choked him for a while. "H-wait, what's the connection?" he asked, not fully understanding, the older one only sniffed, but answered the question. "Tailed beasts are genderless, they can both, fertilize and get pregnant." Shikamaru began, he honestly wasn't convinced if he should say this to someone, especially if that person had nothing to do with any jichuuriki other than his dead father, but that was different.

"Depending on the jichuuriki relationship eith his bijuu, so can the jichuuriki." he finished his statement, that wasn't something anyone except jinchuuriki should know, but well, life doesn't choose right? The blonde took a moment to analyze the information, and when he finally succeeded in his mind, one question remained, "Then ... who's the father of my siblings?" he asked without looking up from the ground, unable to pick it up. Black-haired man raised his head slowly and looked at the sky. He was supposed to answer all questions, even if the truth hurts, so he did.


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