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Chapter 5 

"You won't guess who came here!" 

The blonde stopped and looked at the place from which he heard the voice earlier, and now steps were coming. He didn't have to wait long to see a man with black hair tied back in a distinctive pineapple hairstyle, Nara Shikamaru.

"Yes?" the blonde asked, turning to face the man. "I wanted to ask if you want to come for dinner? Of course if Hinata-" the black-haired man smiled politely and even interested the boy until he mentioned his 'Mother', no, About Hinata Inuzuka-Hyuuga. "She kicked me out." he interrupted the man, he understood that he wanted to be polite but had to correct some things. The elder stood in disbelief, 'Wait, Hinata? I thought it would be Kiba.' Without dwelling on it any longer, the black-haired man stopped the stream of thoughts going deeper in his head.

"And what are you going to do?" he asked intrigued, looking at the boy. There was a silence, the blonde was not sure if he should talk about his intentions with Shikamaru, and that he was rummaging in the Hokage's things, after all, the man standing in front of him was the second most important person in the village! "And ..." he began hesitantly, taking a deep breath, "I'm going to visit my father's home." he said, looking up. "I want to finally know who he is- he was." he said, looking at the man's face, one could see sheer surprise, he probably did not expect such a development.

Shikamaru took a deep breath and shook himself from his condition, then smiled and looked at the boy. "Come with me, I'll tell you EVERYTHING about him and these two", the older man's statement surprised him, he thought he would let him go or something, and here it turned out that Shikamaru knows something about his father and is going to tell him about it! Plus, he knows about his siblings. It could be a unique chance for the blonde to learn something and he was not going to let him pass.

"W-wait really !?" he exclaimed in disbelief that no one was around because they would have a small audience. "I promised him that I'll take care of you if there was a problem with your Mother." he said they were still smiling and it was not a lazy smile. "And that I'll tell you everything you want to know." the boy could not get over, his father secured him so much? Did he know he was going to die? Who knows, because it's not him. "Besides, I'm one of three people in Konoha who knows about your siblings." After these words, without further ado, Boruto went with Shikamaru. It was quite strange for him, they did not say a word to each other all the way.

Until finally they climbed a hill very far from the village itself, to the surprise of the blonde boy, there was a bench on the hill, and in front of it a lonely tombstone, next to which lay a bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear. The whole place was surrounded by bushes and, oddly enough, rose bushes that had orange roses. The black-haired man stood in front of the aforementioned tombstone, and next to him, the blond one looked calmly but suspiciously at the stone slab. "Hey Naru, you won't guess who came here." he said calmly, but with a sad smile of the man, the blonde noticed the sadness that was hidden behind the smile. "Your son, Boruto!" he said as joyfully as he could, shocking the blonde who immediately looked at the stone again.

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