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" I have never been more ALONE!"

On a certain hill, among bushes and trees, there was a small, solitary tombstone. There were unusual shrubs with orange-colored flowers around it, and there was also a wooden bench. A man sat at the tombstone, he had short black hair with navy blue highlights covering one of his eyes, adorned with an orange rose growing in the bushes around it, cold onyx eyes, and a dark blue, almost black coat. He sat there in silence, he seemed... sad.

The silence prevailing in that place was interrupted by the quiet, sad voice of the black-haired man "I hate what I have done to you..." he said with a faint smile. "I hate what I have become." The plants accompanying the tombstone heard a sad chuckle that died down after a while and was replaced again by a man's voice, "There is nothing good in me anymore." He confessed looking at the flowers, they were the favorite color of the person lying here, although no one had any idea why they were actually that color, they were supposed to be yellow, so the boy said when he planted them. "I'm bored of wasting my time," he said, glancing up at the sky. "I'm tired of life..." After these words fell silent, the birds stopped chirping, and all you could hear was the rustling of leaves in the wind. "Every day is... just a torment." He said, looking back at the stone in front of him, "Every day when I wake up I eat the same demons." He couldn't look longer, guilt consumed him from the inside, he would never have thought that the words he had heard from a certain tailed beast years ago would turn out to be true.

"I don't know what happened to me" which was true, the man had no idea what happened, "or where I made a mistake" he did not know why in his youth he thought it was a good idea to get rid of the boy, but he knew that now he regret it, kill him and every single thing he did and he hurt him.

There was a momentary silence, a pink-haired woman appeared behind the black-haired one, she had a sad expression on her face. Of all the places a man could be, he was right here. "Sasuke..." She began hesitantly, this place always made her depressed, in the end and she was to blame for what happened. "Sarada will be worried, you know how she cares for you," but the black-haired man didn't answer, just sat and said nothing. With closed eyes, he listened to what she had to say. "Like you about her-" not hearing the answer, she continued to come, she was not given it, at the sound of these words something moved the man. "Everything... I have cared about it..." he began slowly, the woman turned her gaze to him.

"Ruined, turn to shit" he said, anger more and more felt in his voice, slowly standing up "DEAD!" shouted the pink-haired woman in the face, his wife... Sometimes he wondered what made him marry her, what was the reason for this decision? He didn't know. "I've never been more LONELY!" he screamed. He was angry, irritated, lonely and desperate. It was his fault, the boy's death, his suffering, it was his fault. They were friends, he betrayed him, used him and killed him in the end, and yet he has the courage to come here and cry and beg for forgiveness,

pathetic, right?

"I have nothing! NO ONE! " a salty liquid began to flow from his eyes, the woman said nothing, and was silent. She didn't have the courage or the desire to argue with him again, she didn't trust her voice or the words that would come out of her mouth. Nevertheless, the behavior of the black-haired self surprised and scared her, especially his Sharingan, which he had not consciously activated. "All right?!" he asked sarcastically, he had no strength, he had everything, everyone, and especially enough of her. "It's all GONE!" The tears increased and more and more flowed, bitter tears of a pitiful man. The past is difficult to forget and accept, especially if you have made so many mistakes, mistakes that should not have happened, because once a lost life cannot be regained, no matter what you give for it, how many tears you shed.

The man closed his eyes, an image flashes in his head as his teenage self hugs the body of his blonde-haired friend, lover, first love...

A person who believed in him until the end of his life, which he shortened with his own hands. The blonde lay limp with a hole right through in the place of his heart, he did not even try to defend himself, he just let him kill himself...

The black-haired man managed to control himself at the memory, the anger left his body, and only bitterness, despair and guilt remained, what if he had refrained?

If he hadn't killed him?

Would he have a family now?

Would he make his dreams come true?

Would he be happy in the end?

Who knows...

They are not allowed to find out.

"That's all I have to say," he said in a calm tone without emotion. There was silence between the two adults. Oh, if they only knew that their deceased friend had seen this whole thing...

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