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"He really is unpredictable" 

He was there, he stood and smiled, smiled with that warm, friendly, warming smile of his. All three, no, four couldn't believe it. They remained silent, staring at the blonde figure and letting their tears flow. "I'll let the rest know." Karin said, then left, leaving the men alone.

The first to move was Konohamaru. As soon as he realized that this was not a dream, it was really happening, he moved forward and hugged the blonde man tightly. The blonde replied the same, embracing the boy, "Good to see you, Konohamaru." The brunet cried even more, and the blonde let his tears flow, waited for him to cry, keeping so many feelings in himself is difficult and he knew it well. "And you don't want a hug?" he asked, feeling the boy fall asleep in his arms.

It didn't take long after they put the brunet to sleep, the twins immediately rushed to their father in tears, crying and almost shouting how much they missed him. After some time, like their 'uncle' fell asleep, Boruto was left alone with the blonde. 'This is awkward,' he thought, keeping his eyes away from his father. He did not know how to feel, he was happy because he could meet his biological father, he was jealous of his brothers, how close they were and that he, too, could not spend time with the blonde when he was still alive. Naruto saw it, however, "Come here." he said smiling and pointing to the seat next to him. "Are you sure..? After all, we practically do not know each other. "

"Of course I am. You are my child too, even if we just met today." The older answer surprised, but most of all pleased the younger blonde. With a slight hesitation, he stepped closer and sat next to his father, watching his brothers asleep. Kawaki had his head resting on his father's legs, and Menma was leaning on the other shoulder, and he in turn was pulled up and embraced by his arm. It was a pleasant feeling, the only one whom he hugged so far was Keji and Hima, their faces flashed over his head, and, following in the footsteps of beehives, he fell asleep cuddled up to his father.

At that time, in Konoha, a letter reached the Hokage, who was watching the events in the village with his glass ball. "Hokage-sama." ANBU began kneeling before the village's lord. "We have received a mysterious letter addressed to you." it surprised the silver haired, who could write him letters if they have computers? "Show me," he said, extending his hand, ANBU walked over as instructed and handed the letter to the man. All he had to do was look at the stamp and he knew who it was from. "You can go." he said and the man disappeared into the white smoke.

Kakashi opened the envelope and took out the letter, it didn't take long for him to finish reading, and tears of happiness mixed with disbelief in his eyes.

Exactly the same letter reached the Nara family, Shikamaru locked himself in the room and calmly began to read, for the first time he read anything so quickly, he felt tears come to his eyes, he smiled widely. "Temari! I'm going out! " he shouted, then went to take some important butchers and left the house.

The letter also reached Sunagakure, where down the corridor of the administration building, you could hear Kazekage's older brother running to his office. "Garaa!" he ran into the office and when he caught his breath, he walked over to his brother with a gentle smile and handed him the letter. "Karin sent a letter." Like the others who received the letter, the Kazekage began to cry, they were not as shedding tears as the Hokage, but the paper on his desk was soaked nonetheless. "We leave immediately."

One thought flashed through the heads of all four, one and the same thought. 

'He really is unpredictable.'

{Chapter 5/5}

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