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Chapter 7 

"I want to meet them!"

"Sasuke..." There was silence, a long, heavy, awkward silence. The boy was sitting and staring at the ground, he could not assimilate this knowledge, the name spoken by the brown-eyed man did not want to reach his brain, even his ears. Considered one of the heroes of the 4th Great War, the Shadow Kage and defender of the Land of Fire, soulless and cold, uncompromising Sasuke Uchiha. Someone like that was to be the father of his siblings? It seems impossible. "What..?" the only thing he choked out, the black-haired man waited calmly for the younger one to calm down a bit, he remembered when Naruto told him about it, he was in a similar state.

"How..." he already knew, but that was not the point and they both knew it, "Does he know?" he asked finally, the calmer boy, calmer, but not calm. ". . . " Nara lowered his head and closed his eyes. "He doesn't know." he admitted keeping calm, quite strange for the topic of their conversation. "About the second question," he began slowly, he still didn't quite understand it himself, even after all these years, the man genuinely hated Uchiha. "Sasuke somehow found out that Naruto returned to Konoha after 3 years of training, let's say he decided to observe him a bit." Yes, that was the most incomprehensible part of the story.

Why was the black-haired man watching the blonde?

Did he want to observe his skills in this way to defeat him easier?

Did he feel bad about leaving the village? About abandoning friends?

Or maybe..?

Whatever the reason was, only the Uchiha, maybe Naruto, but no one else knew about it. "One evening he visited Naruto and somehow they ended up fucking. Don't ask, don't know." It was... very awkward, but what to do? He was supposed to answer questions and tell only the truth, and he did so. "When Naruto found out he was pregnant, he left to Suna, Gaara almost immediately wanted to find and kill Uchiha." yes, it was really comical when the blonde stopped the red-haired Kazekage from trying to murder the Uchiha, why did he do it? Who knows...

"And so the twins were born, though they don't look much alike." it was a little help in Naruto's opinion, they were connected by their blood and parents, they were twins, and yet their character and appearance differed. 'Two little demons' thought the black-haired man, these two really took their toll on everyone, and the only one who was able to control them was Naruto. It was the only person they listened to.

"Menma, the younger twin, looks and acts like you except for his black hair." yes, a mini version of Naruto with an emo look, what a combination. "Kawaki is a mixture of both. Well he acts more like Sasuke, but still has something from Naruto. All of you have "he said smiling and looking up at the sky. Yes, it was sad, but he was glad that after all, there was something in the world that still reminded us of the existence of a blonde jinchuriki, even if he wasn't already there. After all, nothing lasts forever, especially the life of a shinobi.

A certain thought appeared in the younger's head, since the black-haired one knew so much and simply had to be his father's friend, there was no other explanation for his knowledge, even if he belonged to the Nara clan. "Do you have a picture of him? Or them? " he asked, thus gaining the attention of the older one, this one looked like he was wondering then after a while he took three pictures out of his pocket, as the younger had deduced. "Always with me." he said, handing the blonde haired boy a photo.

The first one looked older than the other two. There were two teenagers in the photo, one of them was lying on the grass and staring at the sky. He was wearing black ANBU pants, a black T-shirt and chunin vest, his black hair was tied in a ponytail. the top of the head, and the decoration was an orange flower with two leaves tied with a string of the same shade of green, two branches imitating deer antlers were attached to the rest.

The second character, on the other hand, stood closer to the camera, he had blonde hair with highlights in shades of red, combed by the wind, on his head he had an orange rose familiar to Boruto, the same as Sasuke Uchiha, the boy immediately understood that it had to be his father. There was a 'mustache' on the face on both sides, and he was grinning, showing his fangs. He was dressed in orange ANBU pants and an orange and black sweatshirt. The man in the photo really aroused the emotions Shikamaru was talking about, the boy smiled involuntarily.

The second photo, which by the way seemed younger than the previous one, showed two children. One of them grinned similarly to the blonde haired boy in the previous photo. 'Menma' thought the boy looking at the photo really looked alike, except that the boy in the photo had black hair with red highlights, which he did not have. The other boy had blue eyes like him and black hair, some of which were blonde. Both boys had two mustaches on either side of their faces, just like him.

The third and last photo showed all three of them, his father and siblings. His father was sitting and staring at the two children who put their heads on his legs using them as pillows, they were asleep. It was a nice sight, Boruto partly envied them, they had time and they knew their father or maybe mother? Seeing that it was the blonde who gave them into the world, they might consider him more of a mother than a father, but it was not for him to decide, even though he was still a little jealous of them. They had time to spend with their parent and he did not.

"Cool! I get why 'mother' fell in love. " he said once more, looking at the picture of his father. He smiled at the photo, the blonde-haired man chuckled at the words of the blonde, but after a while the boy's smile left the boy's face. "But why is she like this for me?" he asked insistently looking at the pictures. It wasn't his fault his father died, he had nothing to do with it, so why did his mother treat him like that? Like a lepper...

"Because you're like him, it... hurts her." the black-haired man admitted, it is true that the younger one was his father's son, almost a copy of both in appearance and in character. "Knowing that the one she loved has died and that his child reminds her of him every day." It must have been painful, not being able to come to terms with the passing of a loved one and every day looking at the only thing left behind, a child who looked and acted exactly like him, it hurt.

"I'm sorry to say this but..." he paused for a moment, he wasn't sure how to put it so as not to offend the boy, lest it sound like he hated him, but he had no idea how he said it the way he had it in my head, "You're a mishap, a child who shouldn't be born, not in this world." The elder's words hurt a lot. 'Shouldn't I be born?' What was that supposed to mean... There was silence, a long, awkward silence. Neither of them spoke for a long time, and finally the brown-eyed decided to continue, "Hinata doesn't hate you, she just can't accept your father's death," he said calmly, he knew that he did not put his words in the best way, but she was true, he could only continue. 'Neither of us can' he thought once again looking up to the sky. "That's why she's cold, mean and... just what she is for you."

The blonde finally managed to calm down relatively, he stopped looking into the empty space and looked again at the photo of his father. "I remind her of my father," he said softly, 'Is that why I must have a genjutsu on?' He had no idea, but it explained another thing, 'Is that why she couldn't bring herself to hit me?' They sat in silence, the elder waiting for Boruto to absorb everything, he had time. "I want to meet them," he said finally, breaking the silence. "Then you can leave tomorrow and tonight you will sleep at my house," he said smiling, and in return was given the distinctive, broad, fangs smile.

He really was his father's son.

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