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Chapter 8

'Dream... or memories?'

On a hill among bushes and trees sat a blond-haired boy with eyes as beautiful as not more beautiful than the sky, in which he was staring, next to him sat a fox with nine tails, whose orange fur turned red. "Ne, Kurama," the boy said, breaking the accompanying silence. "What do you think the child will look like?" he asked, turning his gaze to the fox. "You already have two kids with that UcHiHa," he said, mocking one onyx-eyed, "and you're worried about the Hyuga?" the fox asked ironically, for some reason unknown to his blond friend, the fox did not necessarily like the mauve-eyed girl.

"That's MY child too, you know?" The boy was a bit irritated by the behavior of his furry companion, but he couldn't help it. The fox was like that, although sometimes it really irritated the boy. Lis sighed, "You don't have to worry, it's not like she knows that you know." he said, raising his mouth to the sky and closing his eyelids, for a moment they both listened to the breeze.

The blue-eyed clouded, "I'm just curious," he said, following in his companion's footsteps and turned his face skyward. He knew the fox was right, but there was nothing he could do about it, even if the fact that the violet-eyed woman was pregnant by pure chance. He was just curious.

The fox sensed the change in his friend, but neither of them spoke, the redhead lowered his head, thinking he started to look at the surroundings. He didn't notice it before, only now he noticed "Why are the roses orange and some bushes too?" he asked, yes the fox had not noticed this before, but the roses and some of the shrubs around them were orange, just why?

"Because of our chakra," confessed the blonde haired man, again turning his face towards the furry. "The roses were supposed to be yellow but they were dying, so I used chakra to save them. The same thing I had done in Konoha. '' The boy was looking at the roses smiling while explaining, he was really happy that the flowers survived. "I want to give one rose to each of my children." The fox looked at the boy with his red eyes. His current vessel was truly unpredictable, even for him, despite the fact that it has been sealed in it since the boy's birth.

'He gave one to Shikamaru and left one for Sasuke. If each of his children will have this rose.' Fox began to analyze what the boy said, blonde hair did not even realize what he was going to do, or maybe what he had already done? 'Oh kit, you don't even know what you are gonna do.' thought the fox with a smile.

The boy felt a sudden rush of chakra and woke up unexpectedly, it was... strange.

'Dream or... memories?' He thought, rolling over on his back. He stared at the ceiling for a long moment until he came to a certain conclusion. 'I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep. Might as well leave early' and with that in mind, the blonde-haired boy got up and got ready for the trip. Back then, before he was fully ready to go, he decided to write a short, say, message to the Nara family, or more to Shikamaru.

Putting a piece of paper and a pen on the bed, an old orange and navy blue sweatshirt that Shikamaru, his father's old sweatshirt, had shown him earlier, threw his eyes in his eyes. The boy without further consideration finished packing and put on a sweatshirt, it fit perfectly, with a smile on his lips he quietly left the house.

The next day a brown-eyed man entered the room, "Morning, are you-" Was he surprised the room was empty? No, he had expected it to some extent, so he was not surprised by the note left on the made bed, so he went over to the bed and simply picked up the note and began to read it as follows;

"Hello Shikamaru-san,
Sorry I didn't say goodbye, but I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep.
So I decided to leave early.
Anyway thanks for everything!
I'm going to Suna, because like you said I want to meet someone who my father treated like a brother. I want to have more info before I go to my siblings.
And I want to make one last thing clean...
I'm not planning to go back to Konoha...
I have nothing or someone to come back to..

Boruto Uzumaki Namikaze "

'So he already left,' thought the black-haired man looking at the card, once again analyzing what the younger one wrote. "Impatient like his father." he said to himself, yes, the boy was by far the most similar to his father of the three, not just in appearance. 'Good luck' the brown-haired smiled warmly, wishing the younger one would succeed.

{I know I am behind on two chapters. So this is the chapter that should be Friday 11th last week}

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