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"Hey Boruto... will you visit me sometime?" The brown-haired man's question surprised the blonde slightly, and in response he smiled widely and said. "Of course! We are family after all! " and a moment later he left the village hidden in the sand, Kankuro looked at the scene with nostalgia, as if he saw his little brother with his blonde friend. 'Like father like son, huh?'

The redhead was sitting and was just writing a letter when he heard someone knock on the door "Come in", he said to praise his son entering his office with a gloomy expression. The brown-ox bowed to the head of the village, "Boruto has left the village." he said without looking at his father. It was strange, they did not know each other for a long time, and he felt that he had a certain bond with the blonde, he could not explain it, but when he talked to the boy he felt as if he understood him. Better than his current cousin, uncle or father.

The redhead, in turn, did not seem to care too much. "That's it?" he asked smiling, "Then he should be there in 3-4 days." He said to himself, his son, not understanding much, raised his head and looked at his father questioningly. "Where?" he asked, straightening up. "Boruto will soon meet his family."

Meanwhile, in Konoha, a certain silver-haired Hokage was just reading a letter from the Kazekage when someone knocked on his office. "Come in," he said, and the brown-haired Inuzuka entered the office, as he should bow before the head of the village. "Kiba, do you need anything?" Kakashi asked, of course he knew what was going on, but was he going to tell him? Absolutely not.

The brown haired man straightened up and went straight to the point, "You know where he went." he said, gaining a cool look from the elder, "What makes you think I'll tell you?" asked the silver-haired one looking straight into the eyes of the younger man. He was really curious.

"He is my son-," Inuzuka began, "He is not." the older one chimed in, he was right and they both knew it, he wasn't, and he certainly wasn't acting like a father to the blonde. "Besides, it's better for him that he is no longer in Konoha, the whole world is treating Naruto as it should, as a hero. Only Konoha is still the same." He spoke without paying much attention to the brunet, you could say that he was talking more to himself than to him. "How do you think they will treat him?" he said, turning to the man. This one remained silent.

"Like the son of their hero." he choked out at last, the silver-haired man looked at the brunet in silence, judging him. "Exactly," said the black-eyed man, not caring about what he had to say, "Besides, there is only one person who knows exactly where he is going." Inuzuka immediately became interested in what the silver haired man had to say, but he knew that the Hokage would not tell him, at least if he did not show interest. "Who?"

In response, he got a cool look from under the black-eyed bull and a long silence before the Hokage actually decided to reply to him, "Konohamaru."

At that time, in another part of Konohagakure, a black-haired man with an orange rose in his hair was sitting by a lonely rake, he brought with him a bouquet of red roses. He sat and stared at the tombstone without saying anything. "How does it feel?" he heard a man's voice from behind him, but he didn't turn around. "How does it feel, when the only person in the whole world," the newcomer continued, encouraged by the lack of a reply. "Who believed in you and loved you, is dead?"

Again, he did not receive an answer from the black-haired man, it irritated him, his ignorance irritated him, so he continued breaking down the wall that the black-haired man was trying to build so as not to hear the words of the man. "How does it feel, when the one who killed that person it's you yourself!"

"What do you want, Konohamaru?"

{I know, I've been away for a long time, but back to writing! So basically I'll try to catch up on the outstanding chapters, it means that this fanfic is nearing its end.  Chapter 1/5}

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