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"We're... cousins?"

The siblings stared at the young boy, who looked like their dead friend, brother. The Kazekage, staring at him, was unable to see the 12-year-old version of his 'brother' until his son screamed through the village chief's office. "Father!" the redhead fainted. This way Kazekage ended up in the hospital for the night.

It took the redhead to recover all night and part of the next day, he woke up only for the evening. He opened his eyes slowly and looked around the room, his brother was leaning against the wall and reading something, while the two kids were sitting on the couch, both of them looked worried. The redhead rose slowly and sat down on the bed. "Kankuro?" He spoke, getting everyone's attention. "I see you're finally awake." the older man said with a smile. "I'm sorry about the problems I caused." said the blonde haired boy, he was sitting on the couch next to the Kazekage son and staring at the floor, he was clearly sorry, even though it wasn't entirely his fault.

The redhead looked at the boy, he saw remorse on his face. "It's okay, it's just that you look like someone I knew." he finally spoke, he had nothing to do with the boy, and the fact that he passed out was a result of lack of nutrition and fatigue combined with shock. Kankuro looked amused at his brother, "Maybe because he's his youngest son?" he said, going to the bed and handing the younger the letter.

Mint-eyed looked at the card and could tell immediately who it was from.

"Hello Gaara and Kankuro,
writing this is such a drag, but anyway
That blonde kid, indeed is Naruto's son, well his and Hinata's.
His name is Boruto and he's the youngest from all three.
I sent him to you, because of his father and the promise, do you remember her?
Well I told him everything I could. So now is your turn, he's literally like his father and the younger of the devil twins, so after he get information, he will go to Karin.
Anyway, I hope you won't faint or something.

Shikamaru "

The way the letter was written was not a surprise, nor the fact that the black-haired man predicted that the red-haired man would most likely pass out. Kazekage turned to the blonde. "So you want me to tell you about the twins?" he asked, drawing the attention of the younger one to himself. "Yes, please." The blonde answered looking at the redhead.

The brown-haired boy sitting next to the blonde, not understanding much, turned to his father and uncle. "What twins?" his uncle smiled gently and turned to face them. "As he treated us like family, we also treated him this way." black-eyed began, "So ~ You and the three Uzumaki are like cousins." he said with a broad smile.

Both boys looked at each other in surprise, 'We're... cousins', this thought crossed the heads of both boys as they became speechless again at the newfound message. "I'm tired." the redhead said as he lay back on the bed, "Maybe if you would go home yesterday," the older man began turning to face his brother. "Then you wouldn't be." In response, he only got a quiet good night and the news that they would continue the next day.

{I know the chapters are short, but I'm not going to change that. Anyway, this is the last chapter for today}

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