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Chapter 2 

"I hope you keep your promise, Shika..."

The four adults stared with disbelief and tears in their eyes. In front of them their deceased friend sat smiling as if nothing had happened, as if he were still alive, but the pair of wings behind him, adorned with dried scarlet liquid and the white glow that enveloped him, spoke of something completely different.

Their children slept right next to him, nestling into the spirit of a smiling blonde in a peaceful sleep.

"Naruto..." said the brown-eyed, still shocked, as the only one who managed to shake himself off. The other three still couldn't believe their eyes. Everyone stared in silence at the figure of their dead friend, unable to believe what they saw, he just sat and smiled warmly at them. After a while his figure began to fade away.

"N-Naruto, wait!" pink-haired screamed, but it was too late, the boy was gone. But before it happened, he had time to say. "I hope you keep your promise, Shika..." the words touched the ears of three of the adults, but one particular person with brown eyes and black hair tied in a ponytail on top of his head perfectly heard the words of the deceased.

The blonde cried for good, the pink-haired girl fell on her knees crying loudly, but the children managed to wake up from their pleasant sleep. "Mom? Why are you crying?" the first asked Inojin, who had approached his mother. However, he didn't get an answer, the next was a black-haired girl, Sarada.

She walked calmly with a worried expression on her face to her parents and sat down in front of her mother. "Mom? Dad'' After a moment of silence, Sakura hugged her daughter tightly. The children didn't know what happened or what was going on. After a long moment, everyone went home, it was already evening.

It was already out of the dark, but a certain brown-eyed man and his son were still standing over the lonely tombstone. "Dad..." Shikadai began hesitantly, "Why are you sad?" the boy looked up and looked into his father's eyes. There was a moment of silence, and finally the older one said, "It's... nothing like that," he said, returning his eyes to the tombstone.

There was a deafening silence between them, and after a while, which seemed to last for hours, the younger again decided to try to talk to his father. "Is ... Is this blonde ..." he started looking at the stone in front of him, not being sure if he wanted to finish his statement. "Yes," the brown-eyed voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "this blonde is someone very important, not only to me or your mother, but to the whole village," he honestly admitted, knowing perfectly well what his son wanted to ask him, surprised?

Well, in the end, he is the head of the Nara clan, the "sadly, they never admit it." He said sadly, smiling.

"This boy was incredibly stupid and no one was able to tell what was on his mind. He was unique, "he said with a perceptible nostalgia, which did not elude the younger one, he would not have seen his father or any of the adults smile in such a way for a long time. "Come all that is good, it ends someday..."

Yes, the blonde was the best that hit the world, his light, hope, protector, hero...

There was once more silence between father and son. It was not awkward, quite the contrary. However, the younger was consumed by curiosity about the statements of his 'guardian angel'

'I hope you keep your promise, Shika' The fact that his father knew this character was indisputable, but...

What was the blonde ghost talking about?

What promise did he mean, and what did his father have to do with it?

These thoughts were eating the blue-eyed man's brain. The younger one looked at the tombstone again, he seemed lonely and... pathetic. And yet it still emanated something that the younger one couldn't describe.

"He was talking about some promise, what's this about?" he asked hesitantly, he didn't know if his dad would get angry with him for eavesdropping, but curiosity got the better of him. As they say, curiosity is the first step to hell, especially in the shinobi world. " Did you hear?" he asked in a monotone, he was not surprised by his son's question, in the end, Nara is Nara, and this problematic blonde man, even after his death, could make others interested in him, especially Nara.

The older one sighed, resigned, really problematic blonde. "Someday you'll know, someday." He said, finally turning his head towards the sky.

'Someday... Right, Naruto?'

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