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"It's funny..."

Both men stared at each other, "Are you deaf?" an irritated younger man asked, but after no answer from the black-haired man decided to repeat what he had said earlier. "Tell me, how does it feel, when the only person in the whole world who believed and loved you is dead?" he asked with a mocking but faint smile, receiving an annoyed expression from his listener in return.

". . . " no answer, it encouraged the brown haired man to continue, more than the expression on his face. "How does it feel, when the one who killed that person, it's you yourself, Sasuke!" he said, almost shouting pointing accusingly at Uchiha. Barely visible tears appeared in the black eyes of the man, although Sarutobi could not see them as the older one had his back to him. "Tell me Sasuke, how does it feel, knowing that he will never forgive you?" the younger man did not hold back and smirked with all his heart at the man, "That he's dead because of-" he did not finish, the enraged black-haired man in a split second found himself next to him and grabbed his collar. "Shut up!" he cried, holding back the tears falling to his eyes.

"Just shut up..." he said, calming himself slowly, he couldn't let the younger one have that satisfaction, he knew exactly what he meant, in the end he was more like his dead 'brother' than anyone could ever have thought. The black-haired man pushed the brunette back, making him almost capsize. "You don't know anything about our relationship." he said ignoring the brunet's smile.

"Relationship? Don't make me laugh! " he said, refraining from laughing, how ridiculous that statement was. "You just used him! Wasn't it like that ?! " he shouted, despite the smile that prevailed on his face, the words of the black-haired man raised his pressure. "Well, it wasn't-'' the black-haired man wanted to explain himself, but the younger one did not let him explode again. "You let Orochimaru experiment on you!"

"It was ONE time!" Uchiha had enough, brown-haired was reproached for him, practically all of them either reproached him or thanked him that he had killed this monster, which the blonde inhabitants of Konoha believed to be. The other thing was, he hated when someone told him that,
that one, the ONLY experiment that Orochimaru allowed,
that one potion he allowed to test on him.

"I don't even want to know why you were watching him, but... as fast as it started working, you were thinking about one thing." said the younger man more calmly, it surprised the older man, he did not think that the brown-haired man could know about it, because how?
"You USED him, Sasuke. You fucked him and you still were trying to kill him!" Such was the cruel truth,
The truth which the black-haired man had renounced,
he wanted to forget, as if it had never existed. "Oh sorry, you did kill him and we both know that he will NEVER forgive you."

Sasuke knew it.
He knew Konohamaru was right,
he knew and tried to avoid her as much as he did anything to do with Orochimaru.
He avoided her like fire.
He didn't want her,
he didn't want to remember,
he wanted to be able to go back in time and change it, not to take this potion, not to kill the blonde, but despite his will, he couldn't do it, even with his rinnegan, for some reason he couldn't.
He was afraid of meeting his deceased lover again, though, maybe only he saw them that way?

The brown-haired man turned and started down, returning to the village, before saying just one more sentence that left the black-haired man in thought. "By the way, I know more about your 'relationship' than you." and disappeared from view, leaving Uchiha alone.

The black-haired man felt a chill and an unpleasant shiver behind his back, as if someone was standing behind him, someone who shouldn't be here for a long time, and suddenly he heard this voice... the one he missed so much. "He's right." he shivered at the sound of such a familiar voice, it was both beautiful and terrible. "He's right and you know it." The figure continued regardless of what she was doing to the black-haired, he just stood and listened to what the ghost had to say.

"I told you Uchiha, from the one who was supposed to save you, I'll make you fall." The black-haired man could not stand it, the tears that he had lingered for so long finally broke free, flowing smoothly over his cheeks, not bearing the weight of his own conscience, falling to his knees. "It's funny... That I am the only one to whom you show this part of yourself."

The blonde-haired figure turned his dull blue eyes to the sky, wrapping the black-haired man with one of his snow-white wings, when he could not stand it and burst, crying and sobbing bitterly like a small child, just like when his whole family was murdered, as when his brother killed their parents in front of him,
like when he learned the truth after he killed his brother,
like when he killed his lover...

{Chapter 2/5}

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