Evil Dragon War #1

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Spoiler alert: This part has not been covered in the High School Dxd anime yet, so if you do not want to be spoiled then do not continue, it has been completed in the Light Novel. But if you wanna read who am I to stop you

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

To quote from the Joker: ''It only takes one bad day to drive a man to insanity".

In this dark alternate take on the arc of the high school dxd. Our main protagonist Issei Hyoudou instead of winning against Rizevim Livan Lucifer, he instead loses to him, this does not make things any better as Rizevim manages to kill both of Issei's parents and mortally wounds Asia Argento. Issei himself is severly injured. Things only get worse for our Chestnut Hero as Draigg sacrificies himself to save our hero from Rizevim's final attack, Draigg perishes or so it is thought

Rizevim: Hahahaha, that damn dragon is finally dead, the alliance is vulnerable and with Issei-kun on the ground, I am unstoppable.

Issei (eyes dried cause of tears). NOOOOOO!!!!! DRAIGGGG!!!!!!!

He passes out due to sheer blood loss

Everyone: ISSEIIIII!!!!!!!

4 months later

Issei has finally awoken from his coma

Issei: It feels like a fever dream, hey Draigg (no response, since even the boosted gear is broken), oh right he is dead, how long was I passed out, where is everyone?

Nurse: You have been asleep for 4 months Mr. Hyoudou, you have had severe injuries and blood loss. This triggered a coma due to the shock received on the brain and due to emotional trauma. It is actually a miracle that you even woke up. It seems that your dragon physiology is much stronger than I anticipated. As for your second question Miss Gremory and her peerage stopped seeing you after 2 weeks of your initial comatose. Only one person visited you on a daily basis. Azazel, the governer of the fallen angels. He still believed you would wake up.

Issei: Heh, atleast he still cares, as for the others I understand why they didn't visit me, they must be still fighting that Lucifer, the one who took my PARENTS. WHERE. IS. ASIA. ARGENTO.

Nurse: Unlike you who has woken up, she is still in coma, her wounds were not only far worse than yours but also she does not have a strong body like you do.

Issei could see that a woman is on life support. This is Asia Argento who was bandaged on her head, she could still see her struggling for her life. Her sacred gear Twilight Healing barely managing to keep it's host alive. She is still wrapped on bandages and casts due to her injuries. Issei could only tear up at the sight of her friend and foster sister in bandages. He wished if the others atleast visited her than him.

Nurse: Should I call someone from home to pick you up.

Issei: No thanks, I will see myself out since I am atleast able to walk normally.

With that Issei decides to head to his house in Kuoh, Little does our Chestnut know that he is in for the biggest shock of his life. As you can see Rias and the other girls(except Asia) have stopped caring for him. Even the faction leaders(except Azazel) has not cared him especially Sirzechs. Futhermore, none of them even visited Issei or Asia when they were in the hospital and they just went doing whatever they wanted to do. 

As for the girls, they have been cheating behind our chestnut hero with other men.

Issei: Finally reached home I wonder what the girls are doing, (With a leacherous face) I hope I can see Buchou's oppai tonight or maybe even Akeno-san's oppai. 

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