Evil Dragon War #5 Finale

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Spoiler alert: This part has not been covered in the High School dxd anime yet, so if you do not want to get spoiled then do not continue, it has been completed in the light novel. But if you wanna continue, then go ahead

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

'Italics': Draigg, Albion and Vitra thoughts

"Italics": Trihexa thoughts

Continuing from our story last time, we see our hero Issei Hyoudou's identity as the mysterious leader of the Khaos Brigade revealed to the Vali team, they eventually go and reveal it to the Azazel and Asia, the latter who had just woken up from her coma. Asia was well briefed about the actions of the mysterious leader of the Khaos Brigade. She was weeping endlessly, as her first friend and foster brother had turned to the dark side. As for Azazel he was brutally depressed his own surrograte son was responsible for so many deaths in the alliance, he began to blame himself for not protecting and being there for his son when he needed him the most. 

Meanwhile at the Grigori Headquarters:

Azazel: Are you sure about this Vali?

Vali: Yes Azazel he even admitted to his crimes to us, he doesn't hate us but he told he will defeat us if he decided to get in his way of vengeance.

Azazel:(in a shaky voice) I nev-er though-t th-ings wou-ld beco-me th-is bad thi-s fa-st, I was-n't there fo-r him whe-n he nee-ded me the mo-st, If I prot-ected him from his wr-ath he wou-ld hav-e stil-l been wi-th us

Vali: It is not your fault Azazel, if it wasn't for me divine dividing weakening him, if I didn't listen to Sirzechs none of this would have happened, we would have atleast convinced him to come back.

Both Azazel and Vali were trying to control themselves, both were internally grieving as their Son/brother had become the very thing he swore to destroy. They didn't know that Asia was spying on them

Asia: Is this true?

Both were shocked that Asia was spying on them, Vali was surprised that Asia had woken up from her coma. 

Azazel:(in a shaky voice) I am afra-id it is

Asia started endlessly weeping, her first friend and brother who was always there for her and supported her at every step was now the biggest threat, she was contemplating suicide but that wasn't an option since Issei would never forgive himself for letting her die the second time.

(A/N: In canon, when Issei was presumed dead due to Samael's poison, all the girls had lost the will to live. Asia particularly wanted to commit suicide since Issei was the reason for her to live)

Vali: So now what do we do?

Azazel: The other leaders would know that Yasaka has perished from Issei's assault along with most of the Youkai faction. I might as well tell them the identity of the leader of the Khaos brigade. Now if you will excuse me

Azazel said this in a voice that was barely controlling his tears

Azazel left both Vali and Asia alone, he went to his private quarters and started drinking, he has had that habit ever since Issei is dead, and now that he is alive as his worst enemy he started to cry endlessly, he blamed himself for everything that had happened to Issei. 

At the KB Headquarters, Agares

Issei decided to reveal himself to the entire Khaos Brigade the armies of Qlippoth and Nilreim factions were suprised to say the least, they never thought the person that was considered the hope of the alliance would become their strongest ally.

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