Raynare's Abduction of Asia Argento #4

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

'Italics': Draigg, Albion and Vitra thoughts

Continuing from our story last time, we see our heroine Asia dealing with Kokabiel as well as having the first encounter with the white dragon emperor. She, then left for home along with two of her friends, Xenovia and Irina, since God's demise was revealed making the swordsmen both excommunicated. She then set up two different bedrooms using her magic for the duo to use

Irina: What should we do, god is dead, I do not know what else is left for us to do?

Irina said in a voice full of dread and despair

Xenovia: I realized our whole lives, the church had lied to us, they knew that we wouldn't be affected if the truth never came out, we thought that the blessings received by God was genuine but it was received by Archangel Michael himself, DAMMIT!!!!!!

While Asia was not that affected by the truth, given that she lost her faith in god due to a certain incident, she was still affected by to an extent given that once upon a time, she was also a nun who once had believed in god, she was also questioning about the blessings and realized how far the church had fallen, she knew that they would hunt her down given that she was the red dragon emperor as well as the one who defeated Kokabiel.

Asia: Well that was certainly a day, knowing God's demise, as well as meeting the white dragon emperor. I am still shocked by the fact that God is dead, I thought he would be alive, considering the faith of people in god have reduced over the years, I should not be affected as much as a normal person but here I am.

Xenovia: How are you not much affected like us?

Asia: Well I lost faith in him a long time ago, due to realizing how alone I was during my fight against Raynare, I knew that no one was going to help us, so I had to fight him by myself

Asia said shrugging, Xenovia and Irina were shocked at how the once strong devotee of god had all of a sudden lost faith in the man that was once her sole purpose of living, they now realized why people were losing faith in the man that once created humanity as well as the angels and indirectly the fallen angels as well as the devils, they decided to return to their rooms given that it was a hefty day for everyone and also that they needed rest due to the fight

In Asia's room

Asia: Hey Draigg

Draigg: What is it Partner

Asia: What are your thoughts about you know God's demise.

Draigg: I am actually shocked as well as happy that the old man is dead, I knew that some day this might happen considering that he is not the strongest in the world after all. As for the happy part he was the reason why my freedom was stripped away as well as the reason I am still trapped in this gear.

Asia: !!!!!!!!!!

Draigg: Do not act shocked, there are beings known as Ophis and Great Red that are way stronger than him, they are called Dragon gods for a reason, then there is Shiva, the god of destruction in the Hindu Mythology, who is also stronger than him.

Asia: You know what they say, before creation comes destruction

Draigg: Hahaha, you got that right Partner, Now let's get some rest

Asia: Yeah.

But before they could rest, a red circle appears in which a devil appears before him

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