Devil Civil War #3

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Spoiler alert: This part has not been covered in the High School Dxd anime yet, it is a prologue to the events of the anime happening 500 years before the events of the anime, so if you do not want to be spoiled then do not continue, it has been completed in the Light Novel.

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Continuing from our story last time, things were looking pretty good for our hero Sirzechs, with the defeat and death of one of the 4 maous, Tefarme Leviathan the rebellion was able to push through the defenses of the government and deal a massive blow to them incapacitating them, the fighting continued for 2 months until it was a complete victory for the alliance, that was when Euclid Lucifuge, Grayfia's younger brother decided to jump in the fray in order to fight against the alliance once and for all

At Grayfia's gravesite

Euclid: I will avenge you nee-sama, he will pay for what he has done

With that he walks away to enter for the war against the alliance, for Euclid he blames Sirzechs for 'stealing' his sister away but in reality he is completely delusional and believes that the maous should rule the underworld instead of these imposters, Grayfia's death made him even more worse and apathetic towards the rebel cause.


Lord Lucifuge: I do not know son, I find it not right to join the government, my instinct tells me something is going wrong in the government

Euclid: Father I have made my decision, I will not be joining the rebellion, those low class devils do not deserve the right to rule

Lord Lucifuge: But listen to me, they are not responsible for Grayfia's death

Euclid: Father, I have made my decision, I will be joining the government, Sirzechs Gremory will pay for killing my sister

Lord Lucifuge: But son.....

Euclid leaves his father's quarters, his thoughts were on how to get back towards Sirzechs for hurting and killing his sister, he knew that he was not strong enough to kill him, so he decided to collaborate with the House of Neibiros in order to kill him, the plan was to use the Malebranche in order to transform the heir of Asmodeus into a fly chimera, powerful enough to kill him, thus demoralizing the alliance

Lord Lucifuge wonders whether he raised his son correctly or not, he knew that he was pretty stubborn, he knew that he was not going to listen to reason, this was further worsened when his daughter was killed, at first he thought that Grayfia died because of Sirzechs but when his heart did not believe it, he felt that something was wrong with the government which now had been acting more suspiciously and weirdly, especially after the four heirs joined the rebel cause

End of Flashback 

At the rebel base, Agares domain

Lord Agares: Good job Ajuka, with one Satan down the power levels of the government must have certainly reduced

Sirzechs: No I am afraid it is not

Zekram: What do you mean Sirzechs?

Sirzechs: Tefarme is not even close to being a threat for us, the main problem is the heir of Lucifer Rizevim himself, he himself wants me dead, he knows that my power is a threat to the government, he will do anything to stop me

Zekram knew that there were many Lucifer sympathizers in the alliance as well, he knew that his presence and existence may be a problem not only to the rebellion but also it may end up demoralizing them. Rizevim is one of the few beings that can go beyond the category of the ultimate class devils. He knew that he could easily beat him and Lord Agares single handedly. 

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