Raynare's abduction of Asia Argento #2

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Italics: Thoughts

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'Italics': Draigg, Albion and Vitra thoughts

Continuing from our story last time, we see our heroine Asia Argento having already established a mental connection with the Welsh Dragon Draigg. One night, while she was sleeping, she woke up in what felt like a fiery landscape, she saw a 100 metre dragon staring down on her, she looked terrified at first but then recognized him as Draigg, the Welsh Dragon

 One night, while she was sleeping, she woke up in what felt like a fiery landscape, she saw a 100 metre dragon staring down on her, she looked terrified at first but then recognized him as Draigg, the Welsh Dragon

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Draigg: Hello Partner

Asia: W-who are y-you?

Draigg: It is been a while since I have had a lady as a host, my name is Draigg, also known as the Red Dragon Emperor. Do not worry I mean you no harm, since you are my current host


Draigg: What's wrong partner?

Asia: Truth be told, I am not your original host.

Draigg: !!!!!!

Asia: Yeah

Draigg: What do you mean by not the original host partner?

Asia: (sad while controlling her tears) You see my friend was the host before you, he was a reincarnated devil, a pawn of Rias Gremory, his name was Issei Hyoudou, he was killed by the fallen angel Raynare, by having the boosted gear extracted from his body, resulting in his death.

Draigg: ...........

Asia: And that's not even the worst part, he was tortured by the fallen angel as well as having  being mocked by her after his demise. 

Draigg on hearing that immediately became angry, he may not have known the host but judging by his current partner's tone on how he died knew that he would have been a great host, he roared in pain but knew that he could not have done anything, as he was sealed inside the gear, he cursed god for his miserable situation, while he may have been a prideful dragon once, but now that has changed. He has now become a more compassionate creature thanks to being sealed in the boosted gear.

Asia: (controlling her anger) But I avenged his death, by brutally torturing her as she killed my first friend, if it wasn't for her he would have been alive. But I made an oath, I will become stronger, I will not be the weak nun that let Issei die, I will no longer become the girl that was toyed by other's due to being nice. I will protect any other sacred gear user from being abused by the supernatural with my own life. I will become so strong that no supernatural will dare attack an innocent person with their abilities till I am alive. I will need your help to become stronger Welsh Dragon, Draigg, please help me

Saying this Asia bowed towards the heavenly dragon surprising him. While he may have some nice hosts over his time in being sealed inside the boosted gear, none have been so nice and determined as this girl was, especially when most hosts before her only cared for power, completely disregarding the Dragon as merely a tool, they did not even talk to him or care for his feelings, they only used his power for destruction and rampage, some even activated the Juggernaut Drive for fun, just to see what it does, thus siphoning away their insanity as well as  their life force. He knew that this host has a pure heart, but it has been shattered by some very terrible supernatural beings.

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