Devil Civil War #2

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(A/N: Sorry for the late upload, had a lot of work recently so I was not able to upload or write)

Spoiler alert: This part has not been covered in the High School Dxd anime yet, it is a prologue to the events of the anime happening 500 years before the events of the anime, so if you do not want to be spoiled then do not continue, it has been completed in the Light Novel.

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Continuing from our story last time, it was a living nightmare for our hero Sirzechs Gremory, he not only lost one of the few reasons for fighting against the devils but also he saw how far the government had fallen. Initially he only wanted to free the devils from the corrupt government but now he wanted revenge, he wanted them to suffer from their cruel actions. There will be no mercy for the devil faction

The devil kind on hearing the news of Grayfia's execution were heartbroken and devastated on what had happened to her, they knew how she was, they realized how far the government had fallen, but yet none of them were strong enough to turn on the government, it was more or less a regime at this point, a regime that will execute anyone that dared turn it's back on them. 

Even the rebellion had become demoralized due to their arbitrary actions, however not all devils were demoralized, especially the four devils that had the potential to even surpass the current maos in their prime, they were instead more convicted to join the rebellion in order to end their tyranny once and for all, especially Serafall Sitri who was once a friend to the now deceases Grayfia who also wanted vengence against the government as she figured out the hidden meaning behind their actions, she knew that this was an attempt to attack Sirzechs, she is not going to forgive them for what they did, especially Rizevim the one who started this chaos to begin with.

Serafall: I am really sorry Sir-tan, I didn't knew they would go this far

Sirzechs: ............

Ajuka: Please respond Sirzechs

Sirzechs: (in a low voice) Guys please leave me alone

Falbium: You heard him guys, he needs some space, he just lost Grayfia, give him some time

They all leave the grieving man in order to discuss with his parents Venelena and Zerocitus, who were worried about their son since Grayfia's death, they knew how this may result in a negative impact, they knew how this may end not only for him but also for the whole of underworld in general.

Venelena: Is he....

Serafall: He is still grieving

Zerocitus: (in an angry voice) How could they, all she had was serve them loyally, she even went on to spy on him for their sake and this is how they repay her, by branding her a traitor, HOW COULD THEY!!!!!

Serafall: Your anger is justifiable, Lord Gremory but there is nothing that can be done for the time being charging at the government is nothing but suicide, please try to understand.

Venelena: She was a good child *sniff* she did not deserve this *sniff*

Ajuka: Lady Gremory, she did not know what they were gonna turn their backs on her, they wanted to break him, your son

Falbium: But rest assured Lord and Lady Gremory, vengence shall be served, there will be no mercy towards those devils, nay they are worse than devils, they are monsters wearing the skin of devils, they will get what they deserve.

At Fallen angel HQ, Grigori  

Azazel: They did what?

Baraquiel: They killed Grayfia Lucifuge, they heir to the Lucifuge family, apparently she had betrayed them and joined the rebellion

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