Evil Dragon War #2

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Spoiler alert: This part has not been covered in the High School dxd anime yet, so if you do not want to get spoiled then do not continue, it has been completed in the light novel. But if you wanna continue, then go ahead

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

 Continuing from the story last time, we see our hero Issei Hyoudou running towards what seems to be a jungle, away from the town of Kuoh, he has scars and is badly wounded thanks to his fight with the faction, but he did manage to deal a severe amount of damage to the faction.

Issei: I can't believe they betrayed me like this. WHY?. WHY?.. What did I do to deserve such treatment, sure I was a pervert but I never harassed or even did something wrong. Why do I deserve this? First my parents are dead, Asia is still in coma and now I have no one left to help me in damned cursed world. GODAMMITTTT!!!!!!!! 


Issei is ploughing through the faction like it was nothing. Rias Gremory and her peerage have been badly injured. Yasaka, Kuroka and Irina were unresponsive. Issei was dealing a vicious pummeling to both Sona Sitri and her queen Tsubaki Shinra. They were unable to defend themselves from the Chestnut's onslaught. When all of a sudden a sudden voice was heard from someone unexpected.


Vali had joined the fight trying his best to stop his brother's assault. He used his balance break to try and stop him. Issei being weakened by Vali's sacred gear, was unable to keep up with Vali given that he was exhausted destroying a faction leader, and three peerages. Azazel had a shocked expression in his face seeing Vali step him

Vali: Issei you need to stop this, you have been torturing  them for long enough, I can't see you like this fighting your former friends, I beg you to please stop

Issei: Vali DO. NOT. INTERFERE. You were not the one to loose your sacred gear, you did not see Albion trying to save you while sacrificing his own life for your own good. YOU DID NOT SEE YOUR PARENTS DIE IN FRONT OF YOU. Yet here you are siding with the same faction indirectly responsible for their deaths. ASIA IS IN COMA AND THEY DON'T EVEN CARE IN THE SLIGHTEST FOR HER CONDITION. They all brought their demises on themselves when they betrayed, mentally tortured and finally discarded me when I was completely useless to them.

Vali was already nervous in fighting someone who gave him a second chance, now he had no will in fighting him, yes he was angry at Issei hurting Kuroka but at the same time knew that she had done that herself when she provoked and betrayed him, he wanted to atleast subdue Issei but now he did not know what to do.

When Vali was thinking, Sirzechs finally decided to step in and attack Issei with his move Ruin of Extinction 

He had an angered look on his face for not only destroying his sister's peerage but also for destroying his pride and humiliating him in front of everyone

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He had an angered look on his face for not only destroying his sister's peerage but also for destroying his pride and humiliating him in front of everyone. Issei being already weakened could not evade or take on the attack, thus damaging him and putting him out of commission.

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