Raynare's abduction of Asia Argento #3

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Italics: Thoughts

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'Italics': Draigg, Albion and Vitra thoughts

Continuing from our story last time, we see our heroine Asia going to Issei's house, she eventually decides to visit Issei's parents to tell him about his demise, she knew that they may not believe her considering that he is dead, but little did she know that they have already forgotten about Issei due to some supernatural interference.

Draigg: Partner, I feel this is a bad idea, I don't think they are gonna believe you, considering you never met them.

Asia: They must know what happened to their son, after all he has gone missing for 2 months they must have filled a missing person's report

Draigg: I agree but still not a lot of people believe in the supernatural

(A/N: *Spoiler Alert*: Issei's parents do not believe in the supernatural, until way later, when they were kidnapped by Rizevim, Vali's grandfather, till then they were completely oblivious to it's existence, they were literally living among devils, angels and fallen angels for a year till then)

Asia: Alright here goes nothing

With that Asia rings the doorbell, she was welcomed by an elderly woman, this was Ms. Hyoudou, mother of Issei Hyoudou, while she was confused at the presence of a blond woman at the door, she let's her in not sensing any malicious intent in the blonde, she then introduces herself at the door and she let's herself inside the house

Asia: I want to tell you something

Ms. Hyoudou: Go ahead

Asia: It is about your son, I guess you know that he has been missing for 2 months now.

Ms. Hyoudou: What son, I do not have a son

Asia:(shocked) What do you mean, isn't Issei your son???

Ms. Hyoudou: No I do not have a son, I never did

Asia: But how can this be

Ms. Hyoudou: I guess you have got the wrong person Ms. Argento

Draigg: I can sense some magic in them, it seems that their memories were wiped clean from their heads

Asia: But who would want them to forget about their own son

Draigg: My guess is that red head, Rias Gremory, she must have wiped their memories off, she probably could not live with her own failure, thus she came here back to them to completely wipe off their memory. Plus she had done it before when my former partner did not sense my presence inside of his body. The presence of devil magic in her body confirms about my suspicions 


On hearing this Asia became livid, she was emitting a silent aura, not a lot of people can sense, that Rias made his parents forget about their one and only son, how could they be this cruel and vindictive, she knew that it was of no use staying there. She decided to leave before the devils could sense her

Draigg: Partner calm down the devils would sense you

Asia: Right

Asia: Sorry for bothering you ma'am, I guess I really found the wrong person, I thought I was at the right address, my bad. I will be seeing myself out.

Ms. Hyoudou: Do you not want to have anything before you leave, like some snacks.

Asia: No thank you ma'am, but I would like to thank you for your hospitality and your offer. See ya!!

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