Evil Dragon War #3

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Spoiler alert: This part has not been covered in the High School dxd anime yet, so if you do not want to get spoiled then do not continue, it has been completed in the light novel. But if you wanna continue, then go ahead

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

'Italics': Draigg, Albion and Vitra thoughts

"Italics": Trihexa thoughts

Continuing from the story last time, Issei successfully merged with Trihexa and both Draigg and Trihexa decided to train their host with the latter mostly focusing on teaching his skills and improving his abilities to match the factions, After a 2 month timeskip, Issei has not only mastered all of Draigg and Trihexa's abilities but also created new ones along with it, no perverted techniques involved. Now our hero is ready for his vengence against the factions

We see our hero Issei Hyoudou resting after fighting the Sitri peerage, happy with their fate. Issei has taken vengeance against them leading to their complete annihilation. Issei also managed to gain the Absorption line after torturing and killing the Sitri pawn Genshiro Saji. He was pretty content since he wasn't that brutal comparared to what he was gonna do to with the Gremory peerage and the others since they only rebuked him.

Issei: That felt good!!!!. Dealing with that prideful Sona Sitri was the best part of my vengence as for the others they weren't much of a challenge. Saji was stupid to think he could keep up with me, he wasn't able to even land a single hit on me. Although I may miss the guy, since we were fellow pawns but I won't show any of the traitors mercy. THEY WILL BE GETTING WHAT THEY DESERVE FOR THEIR BETRAYAL.

Draigg: 'You sure as hell thought them a lesson, let's hope that in their next life they will not be as stupid as they are. Also your assault on them sent a clear message that the Red Dragon Emperor is back'

Trihexa: "I agree with Draigg, although I am disappointed at the others for their weakness, I mean they died against our first attack I am impressed with the resilience the pawn showed even after getting his ass handed to him. I really enjoyed their screams when they were in pain after you trashed them. I enjoyed the fear and hate in their faces after realizing that you were still alive."

(A/N: Even though Trihexa is merged with Issei, he still has the instinctiveness of destroying everything, the only difference is that he now is able to rationally think thus reducing his desire for destruction by a significant amount)

???: 'Still you are a Sadist, aren't you Trihexa?'

Trihexa: "Oh shut it Vitra, don't deny that you are happy to be rid from being a slave to the Sitri family, plus even you enjoyed their screams"

Draigg: 'Perks of being an evil dragon'

Vitra: '*Sigh* I guess you are right Trihexa, I still have the perks of an evil dragon, I am mostly happy to be rid of being a slave to that cocky pawn and his prideful master.'


The Sitri peerage decided to investigate an aura familiar to that of the Red Dragon Emperor, even though Sona felt that it was a bad Idea, Serafall and Sirzechs convinced her to recruit this new being in existence. Little did they know that this would be their biggest mistake costing their lives.

The being on sensing their presence immediately attacked them with an immense power blast wiping out and killing most of the Sitri peerage, except Saji, Tsubaki and Sona, the latter being protected by Tsubaki's sacred gear Mirror Alice. Saji had severe burns on his body but was still able to stand up ready to capture this being

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