Devil Civil War #1

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Spoiler alert: This part has not been covered in the High School Dxd anime yet, it is a prologue to the events of the anime happening 500 years before the events of the anime,  so if you do not want to be spoiled then do not continue, it has been completed in the Light Novel. 

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

To quote from Superman: "No one stays truly good in this world"

In this dark alternate take on the prologue arc of high school Dxd, our main protagonist Sirzechs Lucifer, while searching his choir amidst an attack by the Devil government on the resistance lead by the Agaraes and Bael faction, we can see him rushing in what looks like a choir area, now completely burned by the building, he was mortified at what he saw dead bodies lying everywhere, he knew that this was due to the actions of the government, he knew that there is nothing he could do for those kids. He held one of the kid's hands furious at their demise

(A/N: I will be referring Sirzechs and the other devil kings by their original names, they will be known as Sirzechs Gremory, Serafall Sitri, Ajuka Astaroth and Falbium Glasya-Labolas. Since they have not been devil kings yet)

Sirzechs: No this can't be they only wanted to sing a song of peace, not war

That's when a silver haired lady shows up, this was Grayfia Lucifage, the right hand lady to the house of Lucifer.

Grayfia: (stammering) I d-o no-t kno-w wha-t to say?

Sirzcehs: They don't deserve this, they were nothing but kids, they only wanted to sing not fight, they only wanted to show their talent to the underworld

Grayfia only could view the man who once used to smile at others, who was once a soft spoken man at heart now viewing the scene in anger, despair and ferocity, she knew that he is not gonna let this go down unnoticed

Sirzechs: (yelling) THEY WILL PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID!!!!!!

Grayfia knew that she could do nothing at this point, she saw how pointless it would be to fight Sirzechs at this state, not to mention she needs answers as to why they did such an heinous action, she left to try to restrain the resistance troops before they could cause more damage

After a while his friends Serafall, Ajuka and Falbium show up, they could see the carnage that took place, they were speechless, they immediately consoled their friend for their loss, they knew that the government will have to answer for their crimes against these innocent devils, they knew that blood will be shed, they decided to fight with Sirzechs against these truly by heart devils

Sirzechs: We should take up Zekram's offer to fight against the government

Ajuka: But Sirzechs, won't that make us a target against the devil government

Sirzechs: Yeah but we cannot let a genocide like this go unnoticed, look around guys is this what they wanted to do, they knew that such a situation may come into fruition those people deserved not this but to live happy lives, they do not care for their actions, they do not care about consequences, there will be change in the government no matter what they do, we will make a better system for the devils.

Falbium: (yawning) Yeaaaah ............ Let's head towards their base

Serafall: Yeah Let's go

With that the 4 devils agree to help Zekram and the Duke of Agares (A/N: I do not know his name) they agree to help them in order to prevent the government from doing such unjust acts and to make a better devil society for all devils, they knew that something was gonna happen, but things are going to get a lot worse for the 4, especially to Sirzechs Gremory

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