Devil Civil War #4

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Spoiler alert: This part has not been covered in the High School Dxd anime yet, it is a prologue to the events of the anime happening 500 years before the events of the anime, so if you do not want to be spoiled then do not continue, it has been completed in the Light Novel.

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Continuing from our story last time, things were starting to take a very pleasant turn for the Resistance, one more Satan descendent was taken down resulting in the Old Satan Faction starting to loose their morale as well as their determination, due to this the current leader of the Old Satan Faction Rizevim Livan Lucifer decided to take matters into his own hands resulting in the deaths of thousands of Resistance troops along with several innocent civilians.

The battle ended up being a disaster on both sides with thousands of casualties as well as several injured and demoralized troops, Sirzechs himself was badly injured but he eventually recovered both physically and mentally, he then asked one of his generals about the status as well as casualties of the war

Sirzechs: Status report

General: Thousands of casualties on both the sides, several soldiers are injured as well as some of them are even giving up because of facing the Lucifer descendent, what are your orders Sirzechs-sama.

Sirzechs: We lay low for the time being, let our strength recover as well as let our morality, we need to recruit soldiers in order to fight against hi, I could fight him but this would result in catastrophic damage on both the sides.

12:00 AM, At the Resistance HQ, castle of Eligorum Domain

Midnight, declared a state of emergency at headquarters. The line ofdefense that stood on the border of the former Eligor domain had beenambushed. Although the attack occurred some distance from theheadquarters, the destruction of this line could not be ignored. The troops,awakened by the commotion, took their weapons and prepared for theemergency attack. One of the Resistance army officers entered thestrategy room and asked the soldiers,

Soldier:  What force in the Royal Army ambushed it?

Guard: They confirmed the flags, they are from Lord Agalariept and Lord Fleuretty, sir!

Zekram: It seems like two of the six families descended from Lucifer set up an ambush for us.There were about two hundred elements. It must be an elite force. 

Even under such a situation, Zekram Bael remained calm and spoke whilerubbing his chin: 

Zekram: Normally, the six families would be protecting the perimeters of thecapital Lucifaad, but in return they ambushed us with an elite force ofapproximately two hundred men. But, how is it possible that we cannotsee them coming until they arrive at our border? They probably hid inblind spots, in places that our troops passed by without noticing. What doyou think, Falbium? 

Sitting next to Zekram Bael was Falbium Glasya-Labolas, who is thecurrent advisor to the Resistance Army. Although he had a perfect body,he had always been an unenthusiastic man. However, he was anindispensable figure who brought effective strategies to each battle. 

Falbium: Umm, since the Eligor Family was under Fleuretty's control during theGreat War between the Three Factions, perhaps they knew some secretpassages that we did not. However, judging by his actions, it seems thathis strategist's intentions were useless, and did not communicate very wellbetween them. The only people who would challenge the BeelzebubFamily's imperial order would be the six houses descended from Lucifer,but normally the Lucifugus family would be there to stop it. And if that isnot what happened, then something unexpected happened ... or they wereso desperate that they had to take this big risk. 

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