Evil Dragon War #4

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Spoiler alert: This part has not been covered in the High School dxd anime yet, so if you do not want to get spoiled then do not continue, it has been completed in the light novel. But if you wanna continue, then go ahead

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

'Italics': Draigg, Albion and Vitra thoughts

"Italics": Trihexa thoughts

Continuing from our story from last time we see that our hero Issei, became the Khaos Brigade Leader, his presence as the mysterious being shocked everyone and most of all the factions who desperately wanted to recruit him into their ranks because of his dangerous amount of aura and his abilities.

Meanwhile at the factions

We can see the factions including Azazel and Odin gathering around to discuss on how to deal with the Khaos Brigade after a new and powerful leader had been elected they realise they needed to deal with this new threat before it is too late. They knew on how dangerous he was since he single handedly killed the entire Sitri peerage as well as killing Rizevim. 

Sirzechs: You know for what I have called you for right, I am grateful for all you appearing to help in this situation, especially Azazel and Odin

Both Azazel and Odin only gritted their teeth in response to the Devil King's statement, they knew what he did, turned his back on someone who gave them a reason for existing, someone who would have given his life to protect the alliance, someone who would sacrifice anything just to see his loved ones alive. Azazel particularly despised Sirzechs for killing his surrograte son, the only reason he was here is because the new leader of the Khaos Brigade was a sort of a threat. He was happy that Rizevim was killed by him, but at the same time he didn't know what his intentions were. As for Odin, he was informed by Azazel about the Leader's actions, even he was livid at what they did but kept it controlled given that he did not want to ruin their relations with the faction leaders. Yasaka had awoken from her coma, after being brutally beaten by Issei and was happy that the Dragon is dead.

Azazel: Don't Sirzechs, the only reason we are here is because of this underlying threat that has appeared, otherwise I and Odin would have never even shown up to this meeting to meet you ever again.

Odin agreed with Azazel's statement, Sirzechs was angry that his pride was hurt but kept quiet.

Yasaka: So what is the plan, how are we gonna identify this being.

Odin: He has a pattern in his actions, he is taking vengeance from everyone that has hurt Issei or his relatives, first Sona and her peerage and then finally that damned Super Devil Rizevim Lucifer. He also didn't attack the scouting party when they investigating what had happened there.

Azazel: Odin is right, Rizevim took away his parents from him just like he made Vali's childhood a living nightmare and as for Sona she kicked him out of the school along with Saji who not only threatened him but also attacked him

Serafall: Don't mention that being in front of me, he is the reason my So-tan is dead. I will take my vengeance

Azazel: She was responsible for her own fate, she betrayed Issei just like you did, she listened to you blindly without knowing that her actions had consequences, she is the only one to be blamed

Serafall was angered at the Fallen Angel Governor's statement but had kept her mouth shut as she could not do anything, she was nowhere as strong as Rizevim and this unknown being who single handedly killed him.

Sirzechs: Guys stop fighting, we have a problem to deal with

Michael: Sirzechs is right, we need to deal with him before it is too late

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