Raynare's Abduction Of Asia Argento #5 Finale

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

'Italics': Draigg, Albion and Vitra thoughts

Continuing from our story last time, we see our heroine Asia Argento dealing with the aftermath of what had happened during the faction meeting, it was a disaster to say the least. Even though the peace treaty was signed, Rias Gremory and her peerage were wiped out, killed by the surrograte son of Azazel, Vali Lucifer, even thought the devils were calmed down due to them being killed by a Grigori Member turned Terrorist, that doesn't make the situation much better

At the Gremory Mansion

It was a event, funeral of the Rias Gremory, the now former matriach of the Gremory Family, It was a grim sight to behold, there was the entire Gremory family present, along with the Sitri family and peerage, Phenex family and their peerages along with Michael, Gabriel, Asia, Xenovia and Irina. The women of the Gremory family were silently weeping on the death of their daughter/sister-in-law. Both Baraquiel and Sirzechs who were present were silent on the inside grieving for their daughter/sister. With the heavy heart Zerocitus Gremory, the current patriach of the Gremory Household gave a speech.

Zerocitus: Thank you all for coming to the funeral, as you can see we have lost four innocent souls, killed by the terrorist known as Vali Lucifer. She did not deserve this, she was a kind hearted woman who only wanted good for her peerage and her territory, she tried to make amends for her actions that resulted in the death of someone in her peerage. She was a kind hearted and selfless woman who only wanted others to be happy and be safe.

It was then several other people from the Gremory, Sitri as well as Riser Phenex himself who gave nothing but positive and kind words for the deceased. Everyone was shocked at how Riser had changed during his time spent with Rias Gremory, not only did he decide to change himself to become worthy of her love but also started treating his servants as well as low class devils with care and respect. His parents were proud of the man he had become

A Few Moments later

We can see Sirzechs in a balcony looking at the sky, his eyes focused, on the stars, tears coming from his eyes, he had lost his sister, someone he had cherished a lot in his life, being a leader allowed him to control his emotions to a certain extent but he couldn't keep it in himself for much longer, tears were constantly falling from his eyes.

We can see Sirzechs in a balcony looking at the sky, his eyes focused, on the stars, tears coming from his eyes, he had lost his sister, someone he had cherished a lot in his life, being a leader allowed him to control his emotions to a certain ex...

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(A/N: Replace him with Sirzechs)

Sirzechs: It is a terrible day to rain, huh

Azazel then calls him to talk, Sirzechs immediately wipes out his tears and decides to have his conversation with him, his relation with the fallen angel leader had deteriorated a bit due to Rias's demise, he knew that it wasn't his fault. But he decided to keep his distance away so as to not injure him

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