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the interviewer began the interview by asking how he's been doing and what he's been up to since wrapping spiderman three

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the interviewer began the interview by asking how he's been doing and what he's been up to since wrapping spiderman three. 

"I've literally been just figuring out who i am. during spiderman filming, i spent a lot of time pondering and thinking about what i wanted in life. that breakup was a shock - i am not gonna lie and it completely turned my focus on what is important in life besides my career. family, friends you name it. but since filming, i have been seeing somebody dear and close to me which has made me very happy." he responded."

the interviewer then asked, "have you guys spoken since the breakup? what has the relationship been like? it's true you've broken up?" 

tom crossed his leg over the other and thought about how he wanted to respond, "yes we did break up about six months ago. it's been good. it will of course never be how it was before we dated but i will always have a lot of love for that girl despite everything. and we talk of course here and there. we definitely keep up with one another on social media. but our lives are completely separate now." he said. 

"is there any light to shed on the breakup? people are blaming you or her, etc."

"you know i of course take some blame as well. you have to realize at some point, you are some of the blame. there were times that i didn't let chloe be who she really was and not in a controlling way but i think i might have given off the vibe that i might not be accepting? i don't know, but we both did things in that relationship that did not meet eye to eye. so i wouldn't place the blame solely of her or i. relationships are very hard, and with the time that we had together, there were a lot of ups and downs. but i wouldn't have traded those times for anything. 

"that's awesome that you two are at least cordial with one another?" tom nodded. "as we can see with the projects you have signed on to, it seems like your routing your career in another direction- are you not?" the interviewer asked.

"yes, of course, if they wanted spiderman again- i would do it but I've checked off the box with action movies, etc. more period pieces, or dramatic roles even romance," he responded. 

"that's awesome! we definitely have not see historical tom in a long time." she laughed. 

"i know! it brings you back literally in time when you are filming those types of movies. which is so unique and that's why i love filming them." he added. 

"to wrap up this interview, what do you have to say about life changes and moving forward in life after change?"

"time is always moving forward if you like it or not. during that time, relish it and grab it by the hold and just live in that moment. time is fleeting, you cant change that." he finished.


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