Picnic Getaway || Sheila

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Your POV (You can also listen to this song while reading <3)

Me and Sheila have ran out together to her dream place, Dolomites. I know- I shouldn't protect a criminal, but she had her reasons. It may not be the best decisions but I love her, I fell for her hard.

We lived in a pretty good neighborhood, she completely changed her look, same with me to make sure we won't get caught.

Honestly, It has been the best few weeks of my life. I wouldn't change this for anything. She makes me the happiest woman in the world. One thing she told me she wanted to do here, is going on a picnic, breathing in the fresh air.

We don't have anything planned either, so I figured we could do that this evening.

"Love?" I said peaking into the bedroom.

"Yes?" She called back but no where to be seen.

"Where are you?" I questioned.


I walked inside our bedroom, and into the bathroom. Spotting her washing her face.

"Let's go for a picnic."

She looked right to me, a bit surprised. "Right now?" 

"Yeah- right now."

"Okay, give me a second- I need to change" She replied.

I sat myself on the bed, kicking away my shoes before laying flat down on the bed.

I took a deep breath, thinking how much my life have changed through these last few months.

I remembered waking up to a crappy bed, wondering what to do with my life, whether is there anything I can look into the future.

Now here I am, being in a rented apartment with a murderer even though, it didn't feel like it. Running away from the police, living our dreams side by side. I know how much trouble i'm getting myself into when I ran away with her, it's definitely not gonna end pretty. But for as in right now, I couldn't care less about anyone else. She was all that i'm looking to, the only person I care about right now.


We walked down the thick forest, leading into a clear blue lake. The birds chirping, the sounds of the bushes hitting the branches by the wind. I intertwined my hand in hers, holding it protectively. I layed down a red and white checkered picnic carpet down on the grass. She placed down the picnic basket, laying down the food on the carpet.

Sheila, even though she was busy laying the foods, I can't help but admire her beauty. How can anyone treat her so bad to the point she had to choose to kill. I know she's not as psychotic as she may looked at first. She was definitely scary and intimidating putting a gun-point at me, but I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy it either. She was attractive, you can't really help it.

 She was attractive, you can't really help it

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Here's the picnic spot

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Here's the picnic spot

"What are you staring at?" She snickered not bothering to even look at me.

"You," I purred in an overly suggestive tone.

I can see the blush creeping up on her through her curly brown hair that's covering her face. After she was finished, she took the sandwich she prepared earlier, and stuffing her mouth with it.

I wasn't really hungry, so I grab the novel book from the basket that I last minutely placed inside. I went through those pages, slowly. It was a really quiet atmosphere, but it was comfortable. After a good 15 minutes, I can hear Sheila let out an exaggerated sigh, averting my focus to her.

She pretended it was unintentional, but I know she was doing it to get my attention. 

"What is it dear?" I cooed.

"What?" She spoke. I can see a slight smirk on her lips as she said it.

"Nothing, just continue your boring book." She said with a slight snarl in her tone.

I know she wanted my attention, but I'd like for her to completely surrender to me before giving her what she wanted. "If you don't tell me what you want, I won't be able to fulfill it darling~"

"There's N.O.T.H.I.N.G, NOTHING" She spelled.

"Alright then." I put my focus back into the book, curious on what she will do next. I can feel her glaring daggers into my sides but I shrugged it off.

"Ugh okay fine- I just.. want your attention," She spoke softly.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" I teased.

I tapped my lap, gesturing for her to lay her head there. She gave me a big smile, before plopping right into my lap. I placed my book to the side, and started playing with her beautiful chocolate brown curls.

"Why aren't you reading anymore?" She asked.

"Well, you wanted my attention, so that's why i'm giving you my undivided attention. Isn't that what you asked for?"

"Why don't you read to me? I want to hear your voice more."

I giggled, and picked up the book. I started back from the start again, reading it calmly to her. 

An hour has passed, and i'm still reading to her. I glance over to my lap to find her sleeping peacefully. She was like a goddess even when she's sleeping. Oh what did I do to deserve her?

I noticed the day was getting more dark, as much as I don't want to wake her up, I know we couldn't sleep out here. I tried my best putting the plates and foods back into the basket not moving too much so I didn't wake her up.

After it was pretty clean, I slowly and softly shook her body. "Wake up love, it's getting dark," I cooed.

She shift for a moment before fluttering her eyes open. As soon as our eyes meet, a big smile was plastered all over her face.

"You're pretty," She said still half asleep.

I cupped her face in mine, before leaning down giving a quick peck on her forehead. I helped her stand up and folding the carpet.

We walked back to our rented apartment that day with a very smiley face. I don't know how long our relationship will last until the cops found us. But until then, i'm hoping to make a good memory while we're here.

I don't know what the future have planned for us, but as long as I could still see her smile, her eyes, I wouldn't have anything to complain about.

Word counts: 1015


Gosh this was adorable- I can't. I hope you enjoy this and also

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