Our Misery IV || Bellatrix Lestrange

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Bellatrix's POV

It was almost 10 a.m. when I finally drank all of my coffee.

I would have advised going much later, but Narcissa was against it. So here I am. 

I stood just right in front of the Enchanted Maple Forest Narcissa told me. I took the piece of paper with the photos of Y/n was last seen before disappearing and it look pretty similar to the photos. 

Given the fact I had already encountered a few protection charms, I understood how to distinguish them. This is one of those times when my abilities come in helpful.

I continued walking through the woods, becoming increasingly familiar with the photographs I had been given.

"Bingo," I said under my breath as I noticed a path of rocks leading to a tree.

It has a little arrow pointing inside with the word 'W.O' written on it.

W.O? What is W.O?

I walked a little further in, and suddenly it hit me.


I was on the library, given further reads of the dark arts. Then I heard a loud, "W.O!!"

I turned around, "What is W-?"

Before I could comprehend what was going on, I was greeted with the stinging sensation of a book slamming into my head.

"What was that for!?" I said rubbing the certain spot of my head that was still in pain.

"Oh, come on! You were warned!" Y/n teased.

"How am I suppose to know what W.O means?" I sent glares toward her but she just only chuckled.

She spelt it out slowly, "W.O.. Watch Out."

~End of Flashbacks~

A spell came flying at me, it was just in time for me to dodge it.

Just standing a few feet away from me was y/n. 

I could see her muttering something under her breath, as if some sort of epiphany had occurred to her, but she simply shrugged it off. "Worth a shot."

She turned around and began strolling towards a plant-filled cottage house. Which I assumed was her house.

I had just observed what she was wearing, which was all black. Sweatpants with a black v-neck shirt. But this was something she used to scold me over and over for when I was younger; 'AlL bLAcK AgAIn? ArE yOu GoING To A FuNErAl?' Even in her typical tone, I could hear it.

"Good hiding spot here!" I shouted, I'm not quite sure if she can hear me. I just slowly tip toed towards her home.

Your POV

I kept walking inside the house, purposefully leaving the door open.

The next thing I know, I was hearing a loud Woosh sound from the wind, and I recalled my knife trap that I placed by the doorway.

When I looked back, I saw that the knife had narrowly missed Bellatrix's head by an inch.

"Oh yeah, the thing-"I made a motion with my hand to the knife affixed to the wall.

Her expression was sort of a mix of shock and panic. "You haven't changed."

I lA faint giggle escaped my lips. "So much yet so little have changed hm?" I responded.

She took a chair nearby, taking a seat just right across from me. She was staring at my clothing, and I just shrugged once more.

"All black? Didn't you always scold me for that?" She rolled her eyes.

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