Simply Gold IV || George

608 37 61

Your POV

I was finishing up some last-minute touches to the decorations when I noticed the familiar brown box in the corner.

I carefully picked it up, opening it. I saw the scarf placed at the very top on display, along with the photos.

I knew that if I kept it in the box, I'd forget where I put it. As a result, I decide to just remove it from the box and place everything on one of the glass shelves.

One by one, I took the scarf placing it nicely, along with the letter, the ballpoints, the pencils, even the photographs.

That was all I believed was in there. When I was moving the box, I heard something inside roll about. I peered inside and discovered a little pin. It was a golden flower. The gold was a lovely colour like bleached buttercups. It looks untouched because of how shiny and how beautifully it glows under the sun.

I gazed at it, marveling at the intricate characteristics of this tiny flower.

I gazed at it, marveling at the intricate characteristics of this tiny flower

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This was the pin

I tucked it in with the other pieces, particularly above the scarf.

I went to my room, intending to take a brief shower before going to George's house.

George had invited me to pay her a visit earlier today. I mean, I couldn't say no to something like that.

George's POV

I sat down on the couch, nervously picking on my nails. Y/n is supposed to arrive any minute now, and I'm not sure why I'm so scared; I kissed her cheeks just two days ago, but I'm still nervous of her presence around me.

I raced out the door when I heard a stern knock, and there she was, standing in front of me with a magnificent bouquet of flowers.

"Hey George."

"Heyy, come in."

"Oh yes, I got this for you."

I was speechless. She handed me the flowers, before she started walking past by me. It was so relaxing to inhale deeply onto the flowers she gave me.

She complimented me on my home, saying, "Your house is magnificent."

"Thank you," I said, a little hesitantly. I'm not sure what she was doing to me, but I know it was for sure effective.

I gestured for her to have a seat at the dining table while I went to put these flowers in a vase as soon as we got into my kitchen.

I saw her eyes wander around my kitchen, she seemed intrigued by it in a way.

"Tea?" I offered.

"Yes, please," she said with a beautiful smile.

I had already boiled the water before she arrived, so by the time we got here, it was already boiling.

I poured the boiling liquid into two cups, each of which had one bag of tea in it.

Her hair was partially tied back with a hairclip, which I had just seen. She was dressed in a flowy white floral outfit that matched the flowers she brought almost perfectly.

The floral white dress sits a little above her knee when walking and standing, rising a few inches higher when sitting. For my personal tastes, that's a comfortable degree of sexy. A lot of women look amazing in the mini dresses, perhaps I would too, but I always felt that I wanted a longer length in the skirt.


Back to your POV

I was enjoying the tea with George when I heard the door slams shut. George seemed unfazed by it, and continued whatever she was talking about.

"Who is this?"

My head shot to the door seeing a guy leaning over the doorframe.

I looked back at George, and she seemed fine, or should I say more like bored. "Malcom, meet Y/n. Y/n this is my friend, Malcom."

I nodded and smiled at him but he didn't return it. He just left while rolling his eyes.

"I apologize for his behalf, He can be a real asshole at times," George said.

"No no it's okay."

I love how George is always so full of energy when she talks, She made talking about dirt can be interesting to listen, she was made just perfect in my eyes. The way her eyes lit up when she's talking about her favorite memories. I just sat across from her, placing my head on my hands, hearing her stories.

"So I told hi- why are you looking at me like that?"

"Looking like what?" I smiled innocently.

"Like that," She pointed to my face.

I pretended to be oblivious, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh spare me-" She rolled her eyes playfully.

She was a fun person to be around. The next thing I knew, I heard giggles and sprints across the hall. "Hey hey! No running in the house!"

"You have children?" I asked confused.

"Ah yes, I have 2 children. Max and joey."

Her tone suddenly changed, somewhat sad. I reached out for her hand and squeezed it slightly. "What's wrong?"

"I sometimes feel like a bad mother, I feel like I didn't give them what they deserved."

She sniffed and held her head down low. I placed my other hand on her chin, pulling her head up.

"You are a wonderful mother George! what are you talking about?"

She sobbed harder than before. I scooched my chair over next to her, and pulled her in for a hug.

I softly played with her straight brown hair, twisting some of them on my fingers.

She was a kind hearted person, the kind you worry about. There is a personality in this world that learned that their role was to give to others and be generous at all times. It makes her wonderful and a blessing to all who are in their life, yet it is dangerous too.

She is like a motor running constantly, hardly ever taking the time they need for maintenance and refuelling. As such they are prone to breakdowns after a time. She needs her own kindness reflected back to her. The care she give others must come back to her as care. I can either love her and spoil her with my love the right way or lose her, that's the way it is, for she can rarely take care of herself.


Okay so- it's a little shorter but i hope you still like it regardless. I went out today so that's why it's a little late than usual.

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