The Two Butterflies || Dr. Clair

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Your POV

I work as a journalist, a while back I was told to interview someone with the so-called name 'Dr. Clair'. A pretentious entomologist mother who's obsessed with insects.

I don't mind seeing her, I'm just not a big fan of insects.

I had just arrived, and It looked pretty.. unique looking. It was just their house, a secluded, rural ranch.

The weather was quite nice today, we are in the middle of spring. The flowers were blooming from left to right. The earthy wands of the trees, those limbs that stretch into the sky, are polka-dot green with so many new buds.

"Spivet!" Yelled a girl.

The voice was pretty loud that it could be heard from miles away.

Soon, a little boy came running, throwing his hands in the air as he went inside with a dog tagging him along. This is a start.

As I approached the young lady, she gave me a side confused eyes. "What are you doing here?" She sneered.

"Ah I'm looking for your mother, I was sent to interview her."

She scrunched her nose for a moment, before shrugging. "She's just inside."

What am I supposed to do now? Burst right in?

"Could you call her out..?"

She let out a sigh of frustration, before yelling "MOTHEERR!!"

I jumped slightly at the sudden change of tone.

Less than a second later, a woman in a beautiful floral dress walked out. She was slightly shorter than me, it was adorable. Her glasses rested right at the end of her nose, while she had a book in hand, muttering words under her breath.

She was in her own little world. She didn't even notice me.

As soon as she looked up, her eyes met mine. She looked at me with her mouth wide open, as if she ran out of words to say.

"I suppose you are Dr. Clair?" I inquired.

She hesitantly nodded to me and gestured me inside. I could tell she was nervous, she was fiddling with her book in hand, how her eyes would sometimes look outside of the small window of her office.

The room was dimly lit. Not that I mind, but one thing I do notice a lot was the different types of insects being pinned down.

She hasn't said a word, and I would totally understand her. She didn't take a seat either, she just stood there nervously looking at me.

I stood beside her, comfortingly rubbing her shoulders. "Don't be so nervous, It will go just fine."

She seemed to have relaxed after hearing me say that, but the effect wasn't a lot.

After we were both settled down, I took out my journal, along with a pen.

Question by question, I can see how she definitely practiced these words, it just flows out of her mouth like water, not once did she stutter. But I do realize how easily distracted she was, maybe partly because she was nervous. But from her answers so far, I can tell she was passionate about this. I knew her love for insects were big but not THIS big either.

We've only gone a little over the 5th question, and again I saw her look out the window. I look out to see what was she distracted about.

I noticed a small rail path towards the small forest right outside her home.

"Why don't we go for a walk while I ask you the questions?" I suggested.

She looked at me in an instant. "Are you sure? I don't want to waste your time."

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