Our Misery III || Bellatrix Lestrange

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Bellatrix's POV

I have been trying to sleep for the past three hours but my eyes still wouldn't close.

The pain in her eyes yesterday couldn't leave my mind. It feels wrong, it feels painful. The last thing I would ever want to do to her is hurt her, yet that's precisely what I did. I sat up on my bed, glancing over at my desk, seeing her mask on the table as well as some of her notes back from Hogwarts days that sticks to my mirror.

I have no idea what happened yesterday, it was so out of my league. My whole body stopped moving the moment I saw her. The rage simply fades into thin air, as if it had never existed. In which have never happened before.

"Bella?" I turned my head to the doorway, and saw Narcissa leaning against it. "What are you doing up so late?"

I didn't reply to her question, not that I have the energy to. I was tired, exhausted even. But my mind was keeping me awake, and all the things that could've happened yesterday clouded my thoughts.

She situated herself beside me, taking my hand in hers as a sort of comfort. "What was going through your mind? You have been oddly different ever since yesterday's mission."

"Nothing." I bluntly said to her.

By the look on her face, she just seems to know everything. "It's not nothing, I know something happened at the department of mysteries."

I look down to my hands, fondled with my rings. "It's really nothing."

"Who are you trying to fool?"

I just took a deep breath. "I just- I saw someone."

"That is?" I can practically hear her rolling her eyes as she says it, she doesn't seem impressed or intrigued.


"Y/n? Y/n, as in the girl who sent you all of those letters you kept for decades now?" She pointed to the letters on my mirror.

"Yes, Her."

"So you're telling me, while you're at the department of mysteries, you encountered with your long lost friend?"

I don't know why, hearing Narcissa say Y/n as a 'Friend' sounds almost wrong. She feels like a lot more than a casual 'Friend'. Or at least more than my understanding of a Friend.

"Answer me," She continued.

"Yes, yes I did."

"Why aren't you happy?"

"We had.. some complications."

"You guys were good friends, or at least that's how I remembered it being. I always see you both snuck out of Hogwarts past midnight together. What kind of problems can't you both face? How bad can it be?"

It was harder to explain because I could barely make up words for the things that had happened between Y/n and I.

"We were young and didn't know any better," That was a lie. I knew it was a lie. I said it as if I wanted to convince myself more than Narcissa.

"Well then, why don't you speak to her now, or years ago before Azkaban?"

"I have no contact with her."

"Did you try to reach out at all?"

No, I didn't. I had so many chances to but I let it slip.

"I'm guessing you didn't?" She moved her body towards me. "Why don't you reach out now?"

"It's too late, It's too late, Cissa. I had so many chances years before but I didn't do anything about it. I have lost her years ago."

"It's never too late. I'm sure she have waited for you, if she cared she wouldn't miss a single day not thinking about you. Not thinking about when you will finally reach out to her. She needed you just as much as you needed her."

It sounds almost right, but I wouldn't let it wander in my head. Has she been waiting for me after all of these years?

"I'll see what I can do. You should get some rest, it's already 2 A.M," She went on.

She rose from the bed and left my bedroom.

I have never felt so disoriented because of something or someone to begin with. I exhaled deeply and let my body fall against the soft satin bedsheets.

I'll figure it out, maybe.

~The next morning~

It was around 8 A.M. I knew if I wanted to make an effort to find Y/n, I'll have to have a nice hot cup of black coffee before my brain decides to work.

I haven't seen Narcissa since last night, I have no idea where she went.

Just as I was waiting for my coffee, I heard the front door opened and closes. I didn't pay much attention to it either.

I heard heels clicking along the halls, going closer and closer to where I was.

The sounds of papers tumbling against the marbled counter drew my attention quickly.

I turned around seeing Narcissa, she was fully dressed in her usual black dress and coat. She looks like she just went out somewhere.

"You failed to inform me that she was The Grey Shadow."

I finally took notice of the stack of file papers Narcissa just threw, as she then took a seat on the stool of the counter island.

"What exactly are you on about?" I responded.

"You didn't bother to tell me that Y/n is Grey Shadow?" Her eyes were fixated on me, nearly studying every expression on my face.

"I didn't believe it was that significant?"

"The person I hired, John Elrod, almost got caught, she have looked directly towards the camera once."

She pointed to the piles of paper. I grasp the papers, looking closer looks of it.

It was all there, her personal information, her full name including the fake one, place of birth, hair color, height, even down to her birth certificate. It was almost frighteningly detailed.

I went through the pages, seeing photos of Y/n going shopping or walking from one location to another. I noticed the photo Narcissa was referring to, and it appears like Y/n just went out to get basic necessities like bread and other items. However, she was looking straight at the camera in this one particular shot with a slight smirk.

"How did you even get all this?" I inquired.

Narcissa gave a shrug. "When you have money, anything is possible."

"Can you make pigs fly?" I grinned.

She only gave me a half-hearted smile in return.

"Oh c'mon, that was funny," I grumbled.

I kept flipping through papers, and the final few photographs puzzled me. Y/n seemed to have been wandering to a neighboring woodland and looking around before putting her hood on.

"John said that the moment she walks into the forest and turned around the corner, she disappeared. On which I imagined she resides, maybe even employing the protective enchantment." She explained everything to me.

It was reasonable and intelligent. I've never questioned her ideas.

"Where was this?"

"Enchanted Maple Forest, or at the very least, that's where she was last seen."

"Alright, I'll go there," I say as I turn around, grabbing my cup. "After I finish this," I murmur, holding out a cup of steaming black coffee.


I hope you like this chapter, I'll make the both of them meet the next. Tell me what you think of this chapter, please don't be afraid to correct me if I wrote something wrong.

Don't forget to vote and comment, love you alll <33

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