Serendipity I || Helena Bonham Carter

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Your POV

"IT WAS A MISTAKE!" Cedric shouted.

He took the nearest glass vase and smashed them right in front of my face. I was shocked to see him in such state.

Cedric was my 2 years boyfriend. He had never been like this. Fear soon filled my heart, the look he's giving me was threatening, he was defensive. He was always a nice caring guy, but the person I'm looking at right now was not him. It was a stranger I barely recognize.

The fumes showing in his eyes, anger, and his whole presence were unrecognizable.

The sound of his heavy breathing, the sound of the clashing glasses filled my ears. "I don't know who you are," I muttered.

My body was frozen but my legs were leading me out of the apartment. I needed fresh air, to clear my foggy thinking.


The feeling of my tears dropping into my cheeks. Later on today, I saw a notification. Letting me know that my credit card was being charged on such an expensive restaurant. It charged me over 400$ and most of that was for a bottle of aged red wine.

The only person that knows about my bank info is my boyfriend. He was out for today, he said to meet the boys.

My heart broke into millions of pieces as I read further into the notification. I would never in a million years THINK he would cheat on me.

Yet again, I found myself standing on a rail looking down at the beautiful city down below. I was a sobbing mess.

I broke down completely on the concrete floors, not giving a single care about my surroundings. The rooftop is always empty, nobody rarely visited due to it not being taken care of. But for some reason, it's a sort of getaway place for me.

One thing I was unaware of is that, I wasn't alone. Someone was looking at me intently from afar, feeling a sort of pity towards my state right now.

My sobs filled the whole rooftop for more than 10 minutes. The next thing I know, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched at the sudden contact, my eyes shot up looking at the person.

It was a lady, a silhouette. It was dark because of the lack of lights. But I could see enough that this woman is a miracle. I feel stupid as my face was stained with salty tears. The woman bend down to my height, and wiped those tears away.

She haven't said anything, but her actions spoke more than a million words. She pulled me into her warm embrace. She held me there for a few more minutes enjoying the silence that was created between us.

After my crying has calmed down, I finally could take more notice of this woman. She was a beautiful brown curly-haired woman, with a very unique sense of style. Something about her fascinates me, I don't know if it's the way she calmed me down without speaking a single syllable, or is it how I was more comfortable with a woman I know barely an hour ago than my boyfriend of 2 years.

She brought me a sense of comfort I deeply craved. Finally, she has broken the silence, "It's okay, It's gonna be okay."

I took a deep breath, calming myself down. "Thank you," I whispered.

"No worries honey," She said.

It's weird to feel a butterfly erupt in my stomach as she said it. Is it her accent? Her honesty? I don't even know or even wanting to know either.

"I'm y/n," I told her.

"Helena," She replied, extending her arms to me. I shook it and it was silence again.

I was embarrassed to know a stranger have seen me in my worst state before even getting to know who I am.

"What happened..?" She inquired.

I was silent for a moment, I don't know if I'm proud of the moment or not. But something within me just spilled everything like a waterfall. She listened to me intently, like I was talking about a very important thing, even though in reality I was just blabbering.

We got along pretty well. She was a pretty hilarious person, she managed to make me laugh in such situations. Making me see the good things I was missing to see.

We talked for hours that only felt like minutes. My tears were already long dry by now. She told me about her life, how she got where she is now, her job, her life.

She was such.. a special eccentric human being, like she could tell me about her lunch and it'll be interesting to hear.

She brought a light to me in my darkest times, when I don't even want to go on in life.

She showed and made me learn life lessons I've never heard before. She made me see life differently. She was a blessing.

One thing I failed to remember is that, for those hours of talking, we still sat in the same position. On the ground, a concrete ground to be exact.

As we were talking, we were abruptly interrupted by her ringtone. "Sorry, I have to take this."

I nodded and saw her stand up, pacing around the rooftop as she was talking to a certain someone on the other line.

"Okay, I'll be there," She said as she ended the call.

"I'm sorry but I have to take care of something," She said in a quite worried tone.

"Oh don't worry about it, thank you," I said calmly. (NOT DUMBLEDORE KIND OF CALM OKAY?)

She broke a smile and left the rooftop in a hurry.

It took me a whole 5 minutes to realize I didn't have her contact. Meaning she's just going to be a stranger I met on a rooftop. But I was still thankful for her, even though it only lasted for a few hours.

She was the definition of Serendipity.

A beautiful fate.


Okay, so I don't know if you would like a part 2 to this, If you do please let me know. I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I do and don't forget to vote <33

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