Till Death Do Us Part II || Bellatrix Lestrange

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Your POV

As I hear those words spill out of her mouth, I sat there silently looking right at her. I could barely believe this was actually happening.

Consciously, I pulled her body closer by her shoulders as our lips met. It felt so magical.

I can almost guaranteed that I'll mistake reality and a dream right now. It felt so surreal that I don't want it to end, she fits just right into my arms, like a missing puzzle piece.

After we both pulled away, I held her face in my hands before pulling her in for a hug. "Of course, I will, Is that even a question?" I joked.

She laughed with me, and for that moment I realized I have finally found my happy ending.

We laid back down, intertwining our hands again. "Is it too early to talk about our future plans?" She said.

I looked to my side, meeting her gaze. "I suppose no."

"Well then.. can I be fully honest with you?" She told me.


"you gave me a feeling of wanting to live on the coast, maybe in France. With a kid or two."

It took me by surprise that she even wanted a child, I had never seen her be a very motherly person nor even cared for a child. But I didn't go against her, I just hummed and nodded my head. "Maybe we could do that after the war is done?"

"Sounds perfect to me, Dearie."

Then the feeling came to me again like a train, the war.

I went completely silent, not even my breathing could be heard. I saw Bellatrix sit up and looked down at me. She was smiling but soon turned into a frown. 

"What's wrong?"

She saw the fear in my eyes without any words spoken. She reads me so well like an open book, so predictable.

I look down at my hands and start fidgeting with the ring on my hand. 

She put a finger under my chin and pulled my face up. "Why aren't you speaking? Did I do something wrong?"

She placed a hand on my forearm, gliding her fingers up and down. I stayed silent as if I don't want to even bring it up. It's been bothering me since the news broke out. 

"I don't want you to think I'm weak," I simply muttered under my breath, just barely heard by her.

She got defensive quickly and demanded me to tell her the problem. "Tell me, dearie."

"I'm scared Bella, I'm scared of losing you in that fight."

I closed my eyes shut, and took a deep breath. 

For a moment, I felt her body on top of mine. She laid right above me, and placed her head on my chest, right above my beating heart.

"You will never lose me, I'm not that easy to get rid of."

I giggled and opened my eyes. I tangled my fingers in her hair, it was a lot softer than I imagined her hair to me. It was always messy, and I have always loved to mess with her and her hair. She gets pretty pissed at me when I did so.. but I love her for it, so what ?

"Can you promise me something, Bella?"

"What is it?"

"Don't ever leave me."

"I will never plan such things, my love."

~Fast forward to the day of the war~

I stand beside Bellatrix, in the very front followed by many other death eaters. My hands were shaking, and Bellatrix took notice of it very quickly.

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