Simply Gold VII || George

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(Quick disclaimer, It may be sad.)

Your POV

Since that night, George and I have grown closer, to the point where I now practically live with her. It's been a few years since that incident occurred. There were additional events that were similar to those described previously, but I will not go into detail.

Not only that, but I've gotten fond of her children as well. They're incredibly sweet kids that listen well and are a lot of fun to be around. Believe it or not, there were days when I preferred to spend my time with her children over George herself. Seeing how it was, makes me want to have a child of my own.

I know it seems strange, but one day I want to be a mother. But I know It's difficult. For instance, I'm not sure George would approve of my suggestion.

George had asked me to the zoo with her and her children earlier today. Of course, I wouldn't refuse such an offer. She instructed me to meet her at 11 a.m. today, but I was so eager that I arrived an hour and a half sooner than scheduled.

When I arrived at her residence, I noticed the front door was open.

I knocked on the door a few times but there was no response. Huh..

I looked around the living room but couldn't seem to find anyone.

I went over to the kitchen after hearing faint laughter.

What I witnessed astounded me. Max and Joey were giggling hysterically as they smeared blueberry jam all over George's face. George was giggling as well. To be honest, that was a sight to behold.

"Max! Get some moree! "Joey exclaimed.

"What- no no!" George said while trying to wipe off the leftover jam all over her face. At this point, they still haven't noticed me leaning by the doorframe.

Max turned around to grab the blueberry jam jar beside me, but his eyes brightened with joy when he spotted me. "Y/NN!!" He yelled.

Joey turned around as well, same with Max, his expression just got happier by the second.

I made a 'no no' motion with my hand because I knew the boys would rush up to me and give me the greatest embrace imaginable. Not that I don't like it; but It's because their clothes were covered with blueberry jam and I got a white dress.

Regardless, they exchanged naughty grins before sprinting up to me with extended arms.

"guys- NO! NOoOo.."

I'm pretty sure my dress was stained purple from their tight embraces.

In the corner of my eyes, I see George smiling idiotically looking directly at me.

After they pulled away and peered down, I saw what I expected. Purple stains were located everywhere on my white dress.

"You guys," I say. I teased them by grabbing their cheeks and lightly pinching them, which made them laugh.

"Now don't you guys want to go to the zoo?"

They both nodded vigorously, "then go shower."

They dashed up to their bedrooms, shutting the door with a slam.

I stood up, carefully smoothing my clothing, and eventually looked up.

George was resting her head on the palm of her hands, smirking at me.

"Enough with your googly eyes," I playfully rolled my eyes, stepping closer and closer to her.

Every time I got closer to her, she took a step back. But that didn't stop me from backing her up against the wall.

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