The tower

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Tubbo POV:

"TOMMY! TOMMY ARE YOU OK?!" I try to pull Tommy up but he is freaking tall his legs alone are basically the size of me. "Tommy you good?...Tommy?" Tommy starts to open his eyes and stand up. He has a big red mark on his forehead. But it doesn't look to be bleeding so that's good." WHAT THE H**L IS THIS GIANT A** TOWER" Tommy screams the steps back to take it all in.I also step back to get a good view of the structure. The tower looks to be way taller than fiscally possible; it's made of different varieties of stone. Covered in vines and different color flowers how did we not see this? Sure the bottom of the tower is camouflage but shouldn't we be able to see this from the smp? ⟟ go up and feel the ruff surface of the tower. ⟟ cut myself ⏃ little on the stone and start bleeding but ⟟ don't say anything and just step back over to Tommy.

Tommy POV:

My head throbs. I reach up and feel the bump on my head oh sh*t I better still be the most handsome man on this smp! How did we not see this damm tower??. "WHAT THE FWACK TUBBO WHY DID YOU NOT SAY ANYTHING??" Tubbo apologies"I did not see it I either I'm sorry." As I look up at the tower I can just barely see the outline of a window at the top but it's hard to see ⟟ wonder what's up there? "ladders. OH WE NEED LADDERS!" I look at tubbo and I run back the way we came hopefully proving to tubbo that I know the way WITHOUT A MAP(I don't )


I needed a reason for them to go to technoblades so let's pretend he is known for the extreme amount of ladders that he has "wink wink"

N= Tommy and tubbo spent the rest of the day going to technos house and coming up with conspiracies about the tower. "What if it was built by villagers?"-tubbo "no villagers aren't sapient"- Tommy that's basically how it went till they reached technoblades

Tubbo POV:

"Tommy? How are we supposed to talk to techno after what he and Wilbur did to our home? He traumatised Nikki and killed fundy. How can we go in there And ask him for like 900 ladders!?" Tommy stares at me for a sec in consideration as a devilish grin creeps on to his face " why ask when we can just take?" We walk into the basement and and tommy starts going through chest as ⟟ stand guard.

I hush Tommy trying to get him to be quieter but I don't think he heard me. no he did he just doesn't care. He waves me over to come help him look but I see something move in the corner of my eye. A black crow's wing... but much larger, more of a human sized wing... fluttering in the corner of my eye.

Philza steps out of the shadows. " umm techno? Can you come down here for a sec?" Phil murmurs technoblade comes barreling down the ladder with only a potato in hand "WHAT IS IT PHIL IS IT ANOTHER BABY ZOMBIE?!! techno laughingly yells jumping next to philza. Then his face shifted from a smile to a frown When techno makes eye contact with me then turns to Tommy (who is still going through their stuff btw) then turns and looks at me again "Tommy wtf are you guys doing here?" Philza and techno look at each other.

Tommy's POV:

I stand up and brush myself off turning to tubbo and calmly walking over avoiding eye contact with Phil and techno. I clear my throat "you fine gentlemen don't happen to have a few ladders on you do you?" I try hold back my smirk


Techno stares daggers at Tommy

Why? -techno

Nothing special -tommy

Just tell me -techno

No -tommy

Yes -techno

No -tommy

Yes. -techno

No -tommy

Yes. -techno

No -tommy

YES -techno

NO -tommy

YES -techno

NOO -tommy

YESSS -techno

Tubbo and Philza both shout in unison "SHUT UP"
" I'm just trying to figure out why they need ladders!"

"JUST GIVE THEM THE FUCKING LADDERS TECHNO" Phil yells over his son's argument "fine" techno gives in.

Techno's POV:

I walk over to the wall of wooden chest and pull out some ladders. "ladders are so easy to get, why not just go get yourself a few?" I question looking at the two small children. Tommy is taller than the last time I saw him almost as tall as me now."Oh we need more than just a few" tubbo says excitedly "tubbo..? What do you need the ladders for" I say, holding eye contact. Tommy looks at him and he whines "tubbo don't!!" "Tommy it's fine they won't even care that much! Tubbo whispers.

Tubbo stares at me "we found something really cool".


The group gets in total 900 ladders and Tommy and tubbo take Phil and techno to the tower Tommy and techno arguing the whole way.

Time change (next day)

Tubbo pov:

We have been climbing and placing ladders for hours, not even exaggerating. We started when the sun was rising and it's mid-day now. Is there really a top to this thing? Just then Tommy shouts down "guys come on I found a window!"

HE FOUND THE TOP FINALLY. After a few more seconds of climbing Techno pulls me on top of the ledge. I look around. We have 150 or so ladders left, which means this tower was roughly around 750 blocks tall! That should not be possible. We are WAY over the clouds on a stone brick ledge that seems to be a 2x2. I turn around and see a large window but without glass so more like a big hole in the wall. Still standing on the ledge I see a room that looks like it came right out of a fairytale: a light grey canopy bed with flowers hanging down acting as blanket for the bed. a cluttered bookshelf and desk beside the bookshelf there is a engraved wardrobe.If you look deeper you see there are vines and flowers growing everywhere. "Does someone live up here?" I whisper. Tommy steps inside the room

? POV:

Someone's here...

Philza POV:

After the boys get in the room I step in watching my step not wanting to fall from this height even with my wings. It's quite a pretty place once it looks peaceful. In one corner there's a bookshelf and desk, in the other there's a small potato farm and a big bed. cRaSh! Something gets knocked over but the bookshelf and startols us all. But nothing's there...

? POV:


philza's POV:

"Umm hello is anyone there it's ok we are harmless." I try to sound sweet but I feel threatening. We don't even know if anyone's there. We all walked toward the corner where the book fell. "hello" tubbo whispers. That's when we see her.

N= the girl that sat before them huddled in a corner was shockingly Beautiful.

Philza POV:
This girl is wedged between the bookshelf and the wardrobe hiding.

And she looks scared.

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