The girl

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? POV:

There are 4 of them. all men so they might be surprised to be beaten by a girl. I can take them all in a fight but Maybe just the old guy but then again he seems to be their sort of leader so they might protect him. no. I will sit here and wait I won't say a word. I'll be nice for now. Mabey I'll get to see my dad again.

Tubbo POV:

"Hello, my name is Tubbo, we won't hurt you, it's ok! That's techno over there's Tommy and this is Philza! Umm, do you have a name?!" I motion to everyone in the room. Hoping to get a reaction out of her just a word literally anything! The girl who is still sitting there just stares at us blankly "Mabey she doesn't speak English" Tommy suggest

Tommy looks back at the girl "DO YOU HAVE A NAME" Tommy yells louder and slower than I did the first time. "Tommy stop your gonna scare her more than she already is!" Philza puts his hand on Tommy's shoulder and drags him away to the window to make him learn some manners.

? POV:

Mabey if I say something this would go better. They already are moving around the room so I might as well.  Well. Here. goes. Nothing.


Tommy, techno, tubbo, and Phil are looking around for something to identify the girl when suddenly "umm (cough) hi ". Everyone turns their heads somehow hearing the faint whisper. They all run over to the girl. "YOU DO SPEAK ENGLISH," tubbo says excitedly. "Y-ye- yes." "Ok so what's your name" Philza ask for the 3d time

"Um-dahlia," she says in less of a whisper and more affirmative.

"OH OH LIKE THE FLOWER I HAVE A Friend who really likes flowers you SHOULD MEET HIM" tubbo starts to get excited again trying to warm up to the obviously shy girl. Techno reaches down to lift her up, slips her hand in his, and is lifted on her feet. Now out of the shadows of the shelf they have a clear view of her techno rips his hand away and reaches for his sword putting the tip of the blade to her throat. Tommy starts screaming and backs up Almost falling out of the window Phil pulls tubbo behind him and demands "WHAT THE ACTUAL F*** ARE YOU! TELL ME NOW" his wings acting as a shield to the smaller children. (by the way, Phil has his wings but techno is not actually a pig he just wears a pig mask tubbos horns are growing but not at all visible yet so nobody but him and ranboo know about it. And Tommy is just Tommy so the only thing they have seen that is not a human is jschlatt and Phil and that's very rare itself) as they all look at the girl scared out of their f***ing minds. This is what they see:

dahlia looks well, how do I say this umm perfect she is god strikingly beautiful. She has wavy brunette hair that falls perfectly at her waist. Her skin is an ivory color and her eye(s) are a bright faded yellow. And she is wearing a spaghetti strap ruffled mini a-line mesh dress with a salmon tint and strawberry pattern. But she was covered head to toe with vines and flowers growing out of her skin like a tree. There are some in her hair and one in replace of her left eye. (By head toe I mean she had a few growing off of her she was still showing a lot of skin it wasn't like she was a vine monster or anything) "d-ont hurt me- me pleas-" she chokes out the blade pressing harder against her throat "TECHNO put the sword down! You will hurt her! Everyone stop shouting at her! We broke into her house then basically are about to kill her! JUST STOP!" Tubbo yells across the room he pushes Philza aside and steps in front of techno trying to get him to put the sowers away. Techno looks back at Phil before lowering his sword.

"Oh, I'm sorry I guess I was just being overprotective you obviously weren't going to hurt us" techno apologizes. A small stream of tears falls from the girl's eyes "OH I'm so sorry I didn't mean to yell at you don't cry please we're sorry" Philza tries to calm her.

Tubbo POV:

Philza is trying to calm the crying girl. What had we done? I mean it didn't seem like that much at the moment. But god I feel so bad. Am I a bad person? No, I was just following the group. We had all been startled by her appearance but I didn't hold a sword to her. Is that how they are gonna react when they find out about my- never-mind they would never. "I'm sorry why don't you come sit on the bed and we talk about all of this," I say in more of a whisper and hold my hand out to her she takes it reluctantly. I lead her over to the bed and pull over the desk chair. Philza sits down. I look over my shoulder and Tommy is still standing over by the window. "Tommy come over here" I demand in a nice way trying not to scare the girl again. She is still crying.

Philza POV:

"So you said your name was dahlia ?" I stare at her with a smile

"yes" she still looks scared but at the same time, she is talking.

I try and warm up to the girl so she's not as scared.

"Where are your parents?"

The girl merely shrugs

"Do you have parents?" Tommy questions

"Yea! Y-ea yes? I think I don't have ⏃ mom but there was ⏃ man who brought me here! I I- think his name was jschlatt."

You could here ⏃ feather falling 2 miles away it was so quiet.

I turn around to my boys, Tommy still seems scared but is doing ⏃ better job hiding it. Techno is looking out the window and tubbo is- feeling his hair no Mabey something under his hair.

"How old are you and how long have you been here in this tower?"

"Um, I'm uh." She starts counting on her fingers not remembering her own age.

"Do you not remember your own age.?" I say feeling sad for the girl.

"OH I'd I'm um 16, and I have lived in this tower for 16 years."

"Um, Dahlia have you ever ah- you know left the tower," techno asked with concern She shakes her head sadly "I tried once and I hurt my eye and now I can't see out of it.." she reaches up and touches the flower on her face where her eye should be. She pricks her finger on a thorn from the flower. The blood flows from the tip of her finger but stops abruptly in place of where she cut herself in a small thin vine. "How did you do that?'' Tommy asks, staring at the cut. "Do what?" The girl asked, "grow that vine!" Tommy asks with growing curiosity. plumeria just stares at us.

Plumeria POV:

Mabey if I play dumb they will leave. They better have no idea what I'm capable of. Or else we might have some blood on our hands.

Techno POV:

This poor girl. What type of parents leave their child in a tower so far off the ground with no hope of escape!? Jschlatt would. " Hey, I think it's time you get out of here and see the real world." the girl just continues to stare "But how I died the last two times I tried!" I stared at her "your one cannon life?..." What happened to this girl? "That's that follow me"

Philza looks at me and her " techno what about the rest of the SMP what if they have the same reaction we did and she dies" he says quite harshly

"We will have to deal with that later," I say hoping out the window and start down the ladders the rest following.

Time change (near mid-night)

dahlia POV:

We walk into a vaguely familiar building they call the community house. I see everything from the tower but I have never actually been here. It's so weird.

Like deja vu but I know I haven't been here before. Inside there is a younger man wearing fox ears and a leather jacket. He saw me but I don't think he SAW me if you know what I mean. He just went up to um technoblade and asked who I was. Techno replied with "just a friend, she's new be nice" that's when he finally got a good look at me. "Wow!" He rushed over grabbing my arm and lifting it up to get a good look at the vines. "What is she? Hybrid? Like you Phil's or something more? Is she sapient or not? WOW, where did you find her?" Philza sucks in a breath. "Don't touch her, you will scare her. We don't know what she is, she is sapient so be nice and we found her in a tower near the edge of the world." He said all in one breath. That's when the fox man introduced himself as fundy then he called in a girl named Nikki and a man called Sam. "Fundy, we are trying to keep this between us!." Phil scolded harshly.

Nikki and Sam came in. Sam immediately pulled out his sword like I was about to attack him. Nikki just ran over and grabbed my hands telling me how happy she was that there were more girls on the server. It's so overwhelming but for my first time ever talking to someone I think I'm doing pretty damn well.

Later I met ⏃ extremely tall guy who introduced himself as ronboe I think or maybe um renbob it was ⏃ really weird name but tubbo called him the flower guy and Tommy rolled his eyes. Captain puffy. Connereatspants wth kinda name is that? And ⏃ few others.

N= everyone eventually came and met the new friend except Ghostbur who was making dru-food in his cave. Everyone grew quite fond of her quickly. 

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