I'm back baby

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technoblade pov:

I and jschlatt finally get back to the prison. The atmosphere of the SMP is off. On our way here we found Nikki crying. She refused to tell us what was up. In fact, she was mortified that jschlatt was back so she ran away as soon as she saw us. So that sucks. Sam is sitting at the reception desk at the front of the portal. "Hello." ⟟ don't think Sam has seen jschlatt yet. "Hello, Sam I want to see dream but ⟟ don't have the time to go through the safety protocols." As long as you don't tell anyone ⟟ don't really care anymore." ⟟ step out of the way so Sam's vision of jschlatt isn't blocked anymore. "Is- is that jschlatt?-.." ⟟ nod and motion to the duffel "can we bring that in to?" His reaction time seems to be lagged ⟟ guess he doesn't handle the revival well. It takes him ⏃ few more seconds but eventually, he nods slowly then he motions to the counter for us to set the bag on. So ⟟ grab the duffel and sling it onto the counter. Sam unzipped it and looks at the contents. "⟟ don't know why you want to show dream these books but ⟟ don't really give two s**ts. So go on ahead. me and jschlatt walk past all the traps and procedures to get to dream. It takes about ten minutes to do so. Which is way better than the hour it should have taken. The lava stops flowing and the moving platform has already reached the other side. Dream is curled up in ⏃ ball in the corner he's in the same position he was in when he revived jschlatt. How did he find out he failed. ⟟ don't know. ⟟ go over to him and set the duffel bag down next to him. ⟟ bend down and shake him roughly. yet he doesn't move. so I shake him, again and again, he doesn't move. I slap him twice he stays unconscious. " what the hell?" I take a step back he is in the position where he revived jshlatt. did he try to revive her? is he still? I call out to sam asking how long he's been like this. sam says a few days. ok so maybe he's stuck? I pick up the duffle again and start looking through it. there really is a book on everyone. even someone named foolish gamers? what type of name is that and who is it? I flip through the book and it says it just makes me more confused so I set it back down.

"Species/cultureThere are many different types of totems, shark-fused being only one of them. Early in a totem's life there comes a time when one ends up fusing with a specific thing. This could be elemental like fire, or animal-like shark. Totem children go through this evolution at 5 years of age. During evolution, it is normal for a totem child to not survive. It is implied in different conversations that culturally, totems are very warlike. Totem children are expected to take bullets for their parents. In totem culture, there is a myth about a "pure" totem. This chosen totem is one that has never gone through an evolution and fused with something. It is unknown if the chosen totem has any special powers or significance besides being a thing of legend. It is also currently unknown what the difference between a totem of undying and a totem of death is. "

the next book I pull out of the duffle makes my audible gasp. "ho- how did she have this?!" jshaltt looks up from his book "have what?" I turn it to him "WTF HOW DID SHE HAVE A REVIVE BOOK!" I open the pages there are such specific directions on every pg. i decide and tell jshaltt that if dream cant we will bring her back to life. so we get to work.

dahlia pov:

I sit alone in the darkness. It's been a month or 2 I stopped counting ghostber and Mexican dream keep me company. they tell me funny stories of my dad even if ghostber doesn't remember much. it's really nice. being here with them I'm dead so there's nothing to worry about. yet I'm still pissed I had a mission I had to get Tommy to kill me so the others turn against him then I was guilt-tripping techno so that he would make a rash decision and get dream to revive me the only way he could get dream to agree to that was by promising him his freedom. then I would be alive dream would be out no one would trust Tommy. then I would get my dad back but now I have to find a way to get me out of here. when I get back I only have to do a few things to push the sever into chaos. then my dad will love me.

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