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Tommy POV:

Did I make the right choice pushing her off the bridge? Yes yes I did, she was obviously crazy. The scene replays in my head.

" Tommy, did you know that people will believe anything they hear as long as they hear it from something that seems innocent. Like when I said that jshate was my dad." I paused to look at her. "Wilbur, was he a nice person?" She ask pretending to be dumb.

No one mentioned Wilbur Goustbur or anything l'manburg to her on purpose; it was a dark subject for all of us l'manburg or not. I stop to look at "how do you know about Wilbur! More importantly WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT WILBUR!"

I was yelling now. I don't know why, since when is this a sensitive subject for me? She smirks barely whispering her next words "I know he was a f**king idiot like who would ever believe his lies it obvious he never loved you or tubbo or jack I mean what idi-

Before I realized what I did she was falling off the bridge she grabbed on to the edge she yelled this time but I don't think the guys could hear her over them running back "HE NEVER LOVED YOU YOU DON'T DESERVE HIS LOVE"

Her voice ringing in my head he never loved you. What did she know!?

She knows NOTHING.

Dream POV:

Techno won't come back for me will he? Well I guess I'll do it myself.

I get in the corner sit down on my knees and close my eyes I sit there for 2 hours and in ⏃ fit of rage I open my eyes and get up "NOTHINGS F**KING WORKING!" but I suddenly realize I'm in the conductors room of ⏃ train. I need to make sure I revived the right person so if techno doesn't come back and I finally break out I will have full justification for killing him. Not like I care though. The train comes to ⏃ stop.

The train stop is ⏃ little more dark lighted then I remember. In the far side of the structure there is ⏃ shadow of ⏃ man I DID IT WOOW WOOW YEAAA! But the longer I look at the figure it's more frail looking. I step closer. The figure is not wearing ⏃ dress more of a trench coat and it has short hair that has ⏃ strip of white in it. Wilbur. "Hi." ⏃ scruffy voice says coming from the man. "Hello- heh" it's really uncomfortable here. Before I even blink the figure is gone. I turn around. But before I can react the man hits me with something over the head and I fall unconscious. "THAT'S FOR L'MANBURG YOU GREEN TELETUBBY" "down. With. The Revolution."

Then nothing.

Tommy POV:

"Tommy, can we just run through this again? I'm not quite understanding the part where you're justifying pushing her off the bridge. I mean yes she said some very suspicious things and yes this angered you but does that condone murder?" Sams questioning soft voice echoes throughout the blackstone room. He doesn't understand she shouldn't have even known about wil. Much less known about our history. "LIKE I SAID SAM SHE KNOWS MORE THAN SHE WAS LETTING ON SHE PROBABLY COULD HAVE KILLED US ALL IF SHE WANTED TO! WE CAN'T JUST TRUST HER BECAUSE SHE LOOKS INNOCENT!" Augh this is getting me frustrated I want to punch him so much right now. "Could it be possible that someone accidentally talked about Wilbur when they met her? And Tommy, she has never left the tower before. How do you infer she could take Down multiple trained knights? And have you seen technoblade! He is double her size! Tommy, think rationally here please! I'm trying to convince the others not to put you in the prison with dream! Just work with me!" I stare at him in an uncomfortable silence "they want to put me in prison! SAM THEY Can't DO THAT I PROMISE I'LL MAKE IT UP TO THEM JUST GIVE ME TILL THE END OF THE DAY AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T LOCK ME UP IN HERE!" I keep screaming at him coming up with different forms of yelling and screaming. He finally agrees to 3 days and informs the rest of the smp before letting me out with ⏃ metal cuff around my leg apparently I tracks where I am and if I leave the lands of the dream smp A loud buzzer will go off and I will be shocked. Sounds fun.

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