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Time change (Next day)

Philza POV

We are taking her over a bridge in the nether she seems to hate the heat a lot more than normal. It may be from never leaving the tower or a side effect from the plants.

Tommy POV:

I am walking across the bridge with plumeria Phil techno and tubbo are walking 30 blocks ahead. " Tommy, did you know that people will believe anything they hear as long as they hear it from something that seems innocent. Like when I said that jshate was my dad." I paused to look at her. "Wilbur, was he a nice person?" She ask pretending to be dumb.

No one mentioned Wilbur Goustbur or anything l'manburg to her on purpose; it was a dark subject for all of us l'manburg or not. I stop to look at "how do you know about Wilbur! More importantly WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT WILBUR!" I was yelling now. I don't know why, since when is this a sensitive subject for me? She smirks barely whispering her next words "I know he was a f**king idiot like who would ever believe his lies it obvious he never loved you or tubbo or jack I mean what idi-

Before I realized what I did she was falling off the bridge she grabbed on to the edge she yelled this time but I don't think the guys could hear her over them running back "HE NEVER LOVED YOU YOU DON'T DESERVE HIS LOVE" I did it again without thinking I stepped on her hand she screamed out in pain and fell off the edge into the lava just as the guys got to us. Techno grabs me shirt and starts screaming "WHAT DID YOU DO TOMMY SHE IS DEAD YOU REALIZE THAT YOU IDIOT YOU JUST KILLED HER!" techno runs over to the edge "PHIL FLY DOWN MABEY- mabey y-ou can save her."

Techno POV:

I was yelling for Philza to go save her when reality hit me. Her death wasn't Tommy's fault, it was mine. I took her out of the tower and now she's dead. Philza turns to me and goes to hold me clearly, seeing I'm blaming myself. But when he touches me my muscles spasm and send me to the floor. Everything is moving around me zooming in and out then everything goes black.

Philzas POV:


I turn around to tecno trying to not hurt deal with Tommy right now. But when I look at techno he seems to be phasing in and out of reality. He is blaming himself for this.

Even then he has never had any problem with killing before. Weird. I go to hug him but when my hand touches him he launches back words and his eyes start frantically looking around. He's having ⏃ stroke. I kneel at his side and pick him up. I need to get him out of here. Then I remember tubbo he is still kneeling over the edge sobbing and yelling for her to answer but there isn't one. I grab him and fly above the bridge looking for the nether portal. "Phil, where are you going to come back and get me!" Tommy yells at me. Does he really f*cking expect me to take him home! Pity him!

I don't even acknowledge I heard him and start. Flying away.

Nikki's POV:

As I'm walking out of the community house I'm met with Philza flying right at me holding two of his sons, one sobbing and the other limp. "Phil! Are you ok where is Tommy and that girl you were with!"

"That's not important right now. I think tecno is having ⏃ stroke he needs you right now!" Philza says with ⏃ shaking but stern voice. "I'm taking tubbo to puffys therapy please help tecno" and with that he flies off still cradling the sobbing child.

I run over to Tecnos unconscious body and roll him onto his back. I try to shake him back to consciousness. I don't have much medical training but I know not to let him go to sleep. I can't let what happened to jshalte happen to him.

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