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Dream POV:

The lava slowly flows from the sealing while I'm eating raw potatoes and counting the seconds until I get ⏃ new one. When I hear Sam yell. "VISITORS" visitors? Who?

The lava is draining. I can see the ceiling then the top of the door then eventually. "Techno?" The man wearing ⏃ pig mask stares at me blankly only moving to get on the moving platform. "Hello techno! What brings you here to this lovely abode of mine!" "Dream, let's cut to the chase. I need something you have and if you deliver I will get you out of this hell hole" he says emotionless even after what he just promised. "Techno what could be so important as to risk everything?" I don't really care, I just want to know what I have to do. "I need you to revive someone now."

"Who?. I'm not doing it no way!" He will make me revive jshate! He is the only other one with this power and I'm not letting go. "Fine, I guess you will rot here have fun. Sam! I'm re-". "Fine! Fine, who do you want me to revive!? I'll do it please get me out of this hell hole! I- I can't deal with qac- I mean I can't deal with this food anymore!" Qackity said he would kill me if I told anyone. "Dahlia. I need you to revive her." Technos stern voice breaks in the slightest. "Who? Who is dahlia ?" He said her so it's ⏃ girl but there is no on on this smp that i don't know. So who is this girl? " oh. It's jshates daughter. She died recently and I need you to bring her back." Jshate had ⏃ daughter since when?! "Ok I'll try."

Time change (5 days ago dahlias death)

Dahlia POV:

Yawnnn my eyes lift open. My arms chilled even after my hot dimies. My back aching from laying on this metal seat all night. Metal seat?! I shot up looking around "Where am I!" What the hell what the hell! Tommy killed me in Lava. I remember that. I should be dead right? Ok ok where am I let's get that straight. I was lying on one of the many metal benches lining the walls. The floor looks to be mostly grates like metal greats. There are windows all around me. I'm on ⏃ train. WHY THE HELL AM I ON ⏃ TRAIN WHERE AM I GOING! The tunnel seemed to go on forever.

Narrator POV:

Screeeeech the breaks came to a halt. Dahlia steps out onto the platform and she looks at the driver but all she sees is ⏃ tall shadow of ⏃ figure. Then the train leaves and there are no exits to the building that the thing left her in. But there is ⏃ half high half drunk past out jschlatt laying in ⏃ corner. She walks over to the unconscious man and kicks him. He shoots up from his sleep and hits his head on the wall. He immediately starts cussing her out. Then he starts laughing "why am I talking to ⏃ imaginary person?!!" He continues to laugh "I'm real." She starts "that's what they all say trust me." He starts wheezing and coughing. "No! really trust me.I'm real!"

"No! No you're not actually limbo is by yourself .You can talk to other people in limbo but you can't see them not ever. Wilbur sometimes claims he can see me and Mexican dream but he is just crazy ok! So your not real." He finishes his long remark on how "not real" she is . Dahlia looks jschlatt right in the eyes and slaps him hard across the face. "OW WTF IM GONNA KILL YOU D*MM B*TCH'' sudden realization pops in jschlatt eyes "Could I do that if I wasn't real?" Her sassy tone echoes in the long concrete building. "Yo-your re-real..." he loses his cocky expression. Schreeeech another train pulls into the station and they both whip around.

Jshate POV:

This girl standing in front of me is- is real! How is this possible? Why is she here? I don't even know her!? All these questions were racing in my head when ⏃ loud screech caught both of our attention ⏃ train . Finally my ticket out of this hell hole.

Dream steps out of the conductor's cabinet. Oh he finally learned how to use that d*mm book! "Dream! How are you ready to get out of here !" He looks back and forth at the both of us. "jschlatt I'm sorry I did not expect you to be here. I don't exactly know how this whole thing works and I came for her. I don't want to risk the chance that I can only bring one so I need to get her. I don't have much time, again sorry." He looks at his watch where ⏃ four minute timer was ticking. I look back at this girl, anger filling my veins. I look at dream he is starting up the train. I look at her one more time before shoving this girl to the ground and running for the doors. She sweeps my feet out from under me and my face hits the floor she does ⏃ backflip over me landing inside the train I push myself up. Run over to the door and grab the girl's hands and launch her over me. She is lying unconscious by the concrete wall. I sit on one of the many benches straighten out my suit and say out loud to no one in particular "I'm back baby and this time I'm winning the f*ck*ng war."

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